Mirrielle Watson's tragic past could be summed up quite simply in a few lines. Her mother Marie Watson was a daughter of the Watson family and an eccentric child. She was so damn smart, she frightened her family, because she always avenged the slightest wrong and her revenge was always so outlandish that they couldn't prepare for it one bit. Marie met Harshal in college. Harshal was an orphan who put himself through school and college by winning all sorts of scholarships. His one great love was academic excellence, because he was convinced he would win a super-high paying job after growing up and live a life of luxury. He wasn't wrong. He had the brains for it. Then, Marie became his biggest love, and the other a distant second. Because he was so interested in working, Marie had him take her family name after marriage, gave him the job reserved for her in the family company, and while he worked himself to the top she kept herself busy and entertained avenging all wrongs against her and her darling husband. The two had a daughter, who was an angel that looked exactly like her mother, and a son that looked like a mirror copy of his father. Twins. Mirrielle and Mormon. The twins grew up happy. They were ten when Marie and Harshal passed away in an accident. The family was loving, even toward the worst child ever, and that love extended to the twins who lost their parents and pretty much their whole world. The grandparents, Roger and Milli, took the responsibility of the kids. Mormon who was more his father everyday was happy to learn all he could from both of his grandparents, both of whom had been at the helm of the company before retiring. Mirrielle who had always been her mother's daughter, went away to Stine Academy.
"So, what is it you want?" Henry asked.
Mira looked at Henry with a warm smile. How Mirrielle shortened to Mira was a mystery yet to be solved. He was a husband prospect, and she liked him for his proactiveness.
Henry shivered under the gaze. And unconsciously stepped back, then consciously slipped behind Haven.
Mira was The loon, until Haven arrived. Although not the same, Haven was no less a loon. And everyone loved him for it, because Mira was a lot more normal with him present. And as far as everyone was concerned, there was no greater merit. Haven was their saviour.
Of course, they didn't think that very long. The two usually didn't plan things together, but when they did, Mira and Haven were terrifying. And having suffered several such terrifying tragedies, everyone realized Haven was much more dangerous. After all, prof Winse too was scared of Haven, while he indulged Mira like a loving guardian would.
None of that mattered at this moment though. Henry knew this was the safest place, and that was enough. He didn't dare peep from behind Haven. Not even after he was sure Mira had turned away.
"I want my mother's seat on the board," Mira answered.
"And the board isn't giving it to you?" Wale asked.
Wale wasn't as greatly affected by Mira. One, because he was the kind of idiot who wouldn't realize he was being bullied, and that was torture to the bullies to the extent that they gave up on the bullying. And two, he was Ember's. And one did not step on others'.
"No," Mira answered, with a shake of her head.
"The truth, please," Val said dully.
Valerie wasn't like the rest of them, at least not like most. She came to Stine because she was tired of other schools. Here at Stine, everyone understood she was dull, mostly because she was bored, and she had been bored so long and spoken so dully for so long, it became the way she spoke. Others, at her old schools, felt she was cold. Discomfortingly so. She made other children cry. She made the teachers squirm on their feet. They all couldn't shake off the feeling that she was staring down at them like they were bugs and she was so near to squashing them under her feet. The schools begged her parents to change schools. After changing more schools than they could keep count of, they came across prof Winse, who was very different from anyone else they had met until then. Prof Winse didn't feel that Valerie was cold. He saw the truth. She was just bored, and dull from the boredom. He invited Valerie to Stine Academy, and Valerie finally found a place she belonged at.
"That is the truth," Mira said. "They aren't giving it on my terms."
"They want you to work for it, don't they?" Val said. "Like your brother."
"You like him," Mira said.
"Yes," Val said, the same dully.
The blush didn't show on her face, but it did in her voice, so only who knew her really well could hear it. It didn't help that she was hopelessly honest.
"How can you be so forward," Mira said, blushing furiously and fanning herself.
She wasn't the least bit exaggerated or theatrical. That was just how she was when excited.
"Wait," Wale said, putting up a hand between the blushing girls. "So, they are giving you what you want. Just their way."
"That's as good as not giving," Haven said.
Mira nodded furiously. Val sighed, shaking her head lightly. The rest didn't understand, and didn't try to.
"And so, I'm pissed," Mira said.
This was a bigger operation. Almost all of them was involved. And the operation was second because Mira didn't like being the first.
"The first feels like a trial run," she said. "I don't like that. We don't need to be a trial run. But we could use the practice. The SDC first."
Haven didn't argue. He was happy getting done with the messy things first, so they could enjoy the nicer things at their own pace.
And when the client, which for now was the one among them who raised the request, agreed, the rest of them didn't argue.
The first operation wasn't very long. Mainly because it wasn't very fun. Messy things were better off done quick.
The second was a lot more interesting. After all, the loons were heading it. As much as they sympathized for the Watsons, they were excited. The best word for things the loons came up with was, 'Otherworldly'. And weren't all otherworldly things so damn exciting.
[Ember]: All present?
[Val]: Present.
[Wale]: +1.
[Henry]: Here.
[Mira]: Me too!!! Here! +1.
[Henry]: …. . .-.. .--.
[Mira]: .-.. --- …- . / -.-- --- ..-
[Val]: Enough.
[Wale]: Yes. Enough.
[Ember]: All present?
[Haven]: Yes. Was enjoying the show.
[Memphis]: Present.
[Ember]: Alright. Captain, handing off to you.
[Haven]: Yes. First harassment, initiate.
[Mira]: Yes!
Everyone else was too busy laughing to type a reply.