Chapter Two : The Mages

On the other side of the story...

The group of attackers, the mercenaries that were hired to attack the Kingdom... arrived at their main camp without trouble.

It was a good thing that they know of a secret passage hidden inside the territory of the monsters. Someone has hired them to attack the Kingdom and captured the Princess. The payment they have received is much more than what they earned for the past five years.

Though the order was to capture the Princess, they haven't been instructed as to what to do to her after that. And the person who hired them disappeared without a trace... leaving behind a trail of golden dust.

She has been placed inside a tiny cage with her hands tied. Staring at them with her innocent eyes, she soon caught the interest of the leader of the mercenaries.

Since she was too young to fully understand what has happened. They took advantage of it to brainwash the Princess. They made her believe all their lies and soon train her to be part of their group. Her past as a Princess was long forgotten as time passed by.

She learned to hold knives, where she should have held a pen. She got used to hearing vulgar words, instead of praises. She memorized escape routes instead of etiquette. The most important thing is that anyone who can wield magic is evil.

That's why when the princess found out that she can wield magic... she hid it and curses the blood that was flowing through her veins.




When the Princess turned sixteen their camp was attacked by people clad in white clothes who can wield magic. She used all her learning to fight along with the others, but they were defeated.

The ones who can still run, have run away abandoning the rest.

Yet the Princess stayed and tried her best to save the others. Out of the corner of her eyes, a girl that she came to know was about to get killed by an enemy. She tried to run to save her, but she was too far.

The Princess desperately shouted when a burst of light exploded the whole area.

When she opens her eyes, her whole body is glowing.

Her magic has come out and protected the girl.

However when she looks up to see the girl staring at her with wide eyes. She is safe and sound, but she is looking at her with deep fear and hatred.

"Monster!!! She's a monster!!!" the girl shouted as she throws her knife at her.

The Princess flinch, easily dodging the attack.

She was about to explain when she saw the look of hatred from once she called family.

Her whole body shook, and her knees gave up as the remaining people she trusted... all want her dead.


Once she woke up, she is wrapped with bandages around her body. She immediately sits up and looks around.

The room she's in is an unfamiliar one. It wasn't a tent that she used to see, instead, it was a cozy room similar to a noble house they once robbed.

A bed instead of wool, a soft blanket instead of animal skins, and a fluffy pillow instead of hay.

Then she remembers the look of hatred the mercenaries throw at her.

Tears start falling down her eyes as she cries softly. She didn't want to become like this. She has always hated the power that she was born in.

All she wanted was to be normal but... she felt powerless when she saw someone she cared about was going to get killed.

That's why she unconsciously called for her power to help her. But now she regretted it.

"Why? Why am I born like this? Why am I different from them? Why am I a monster?!" the Princess cried.

"You are not a monster. You are just special," a gentle voice startled her as she stands up from the bed.

"Who are you?! Speak!" she shouts as her hand searches for her knife.

The lady, with long brown hair and gentle blue eyes, smiled at her. She is currently sitting in a chair near the bookshelves. She is wearing a long dress mixed with the colors of Lilac and white.

"I mean no harm dear one, my name is Asha. I'm in charge of this place," Asha introduced herself calmly.

"What is this place? And where is my knife?" the princess asks cautiously, she was instructed not to trust anyone outside their group.

"You are safe here dear one, you are inside the academy provided by the Temple. There is no need for a hazardous object when you need to rest."

Standing up Asha move the trolley towards the bed. A silver tray was placed above it, full of newly cooked food.

The princess glanced at the tray, she can smell from where she was standing the delicious scent of food. The scent is making her stomach grumbles, as she gulp down her saliva.

"Go on... you can eat my dear one. You will need to recover your strength," Asha smiles gently at her.

The princess was about to protest when her stomach grumbled loudly. Her face heats up as she looks away from the steaming food.

Asha let out a chuckle as she sat comfortably on the chair before picking a book on the shelf.

The princess glances at her before glimpsing back at the food. She slowly moves towards the table, bringing the tray of food with her. With a gulp, she sits down and picks up a spoon.

"Mhm!!" her eyes widen in delight the moment the food touches her tongue.

Soon... spoon after spoon she gulps down the soup. She never tasted anything like this before. She only knows the taste of a wild boar that's been cooked by the bonfire or the fish they caught when they went fishing.

"Eat slowly dear one, you don't want to choke. Besides if you need more food... I can always bring you more," Asha spoke as she watches the princess gulp down the food.




Once she finishes eating, she looks at Asha who has fixed her bed.

"Why am I here? Why me?" she asks.

"Wipe your mouth first, there's still food stuck there. And I will answer all your questions after you take a bath. Here—," the lady who opens the wooden cabinet sitting in the corner, took new clothes and handed them to her.

"But-!" she was cut off when the lady pushes her towards the open door inside the room.

She did not even notice the door in the corner of the room.

"Wash first. Talk later," Asha told her as she closed the door behind her.

The princess let out a sigh, as she starts observing her new surrounding.

"Wow!" she exclaims as she places the clothes she is holding above a wooden stool.

This place looked expensive, she bet she can be wealthy by selling any items there. A large tub is placed in the corner, a shelf full of the necessities she will need. A cabinet full of clean towels and so much more.

Everything is shiny and new. And there's even a mirror here.

Staring at the mirror, she can't remember how long since she last observes her reflections. Her blonde hair looks like a bird's nest, then her eyes... for some reason when she looks at them... Various images flash through her mind.

She barely recognizes a face of a noblewoman looking at her lovingly. It always made her heart, throb painfully inside her chest.

Shaking her head, she began taking off her clothes. She's just probably tired that's why she is seeing things. A relaxing bath might help her realize some stress and ease her confused mind.


Her days passed by more peacefully than she expected. It was an odd thing for her, considering she was used to being always on guard while waiting for new orders or missions.

She was cautious of the mages, (She learned that's what the people who can use magic are called.) at first. But as she observes and gets to know them. Her perspective changed, she learns nothing that can paint them as bad.

She also found out the reason why they were invaded that night. The leader of the mercenaries has stolen valuable items from them.

Valuable items can ruin a country if needed.

Although she grew up with the mercenaries, she never enjoyed the things they are doing. She knew that the things they'd done are all wrong. Not because she fully understands what is the difference between good and bad. But because she always felt ill after following their orders.

She can never voice that out or else she will be executed. But here in the academy... things are different.

"Shae!! Come on we will be late!" she heard a soothing voice coming from behind her, as she roll her eyes.

Shaelyn... the only thing she recalls from her past is her name. She has constantly wondered where she's from or who are her parents, yet she never found out the truth. Mostly because the master she served never told her their name.

"Come on!" a girl with curly caramel brown hair grabs her hand and starts dragging her.

This girl is the first one to try and get close to her. Even though she has consistently ignored her, Clara persuaded and didn't give up.

"What do you think we will be learning today?" Clara asks her, as she began humming a tune she heard somewhere.

Asha is the one who has registered her to be part of the academy. No one asked where she came from, since everyone has their secrets.

"I don't care," she mumbles looking away from Clara.

The other students are all busy practicing their magic. Once they have completed the curriculums, the temple will support them obtain proper jobs that can help them be part of society.

Some kingdoms are still cautious about mages. But when the Kingdom of Caswell fully accepted mages, that is the only time kingdoms start to gradually accept them.

It was made possible since the Kingdom of Caswell is the largest and most powerful kingdom of all. The temple has always been part of their kingdom, thus they accepted the mages and support them.




"You have to concentrate Shaelyn. That's the only way to summon your magic," her assigned professor explains, as she has been having a hard time summoning her magic.

"I can't! I don't know how to do this! I don't even know why you are bothering to instruct me!" Shaelyn shouts in frustration. She is the only student left on the training ground.

Ever since the last time, she used her magic, for some unknown reason she can't summon them again.

"You need to calm down. Anger will not help you. There must be a reason why your power is not working," the professor calmly stated.

Shaelyn bit her lips before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes.

Shaelyn tried feeling her mana again deep inside her core.

She can feel its warmth flowing through her veins. Her body is slowly getting surrounded by mana when... eyes full of hatred flash into her mind.

Opening her eyes, she lost connection with her power again. Her shoulder shakes as eyes looking at her with such hate keep appearing in her mind.

"Shaelyn, deep breath. No one will harm you in this place. Everyone here is the same as you. We are here to learn to control our power, so no one will —."

"Stop saying that!! I'm not the same as anyone here!" Shaelyn shouts cutting off her teacher.

Glancing away from her teacher, she runs away from the building.


"She requires help more than the others," the headmaster, Asha stated once she heard of what happened.

"Where is she now?" She asks before standing up from her chair.

"She was heading towards the maze. I believe she's still there," the professor answers.

"I will take care of this, you can go now."




Shaelyn sat down on the edge of the fountain located at the center of the garden maze. She stares at her reflection in the clear water, trying to clear her busy mind.

"Ah! Congrats on finding such a peaceful spot!" she flinch in surprise the moment a familiar voice spoke from behind her.

"It WAS before someone interrupts it," She answers sarcastically.

She only heard a chuckle as Asha sat down beside her.

"I see you still haven't changed, still as energetic as ever."

"What do you want?"

"I'm only here to help you, my dear."

"You can help me by leaving me alone."

Asha gave her another smile before she picks up a yellow flower that fell down the water.

"Have you found the answer yet?" she asks as she twirls the flower she is holding.

Glancing up, she stares at the flower Asha is holding.

"I already informed you. Shaelyn is my name," she answers as she recalled their conversation last time.

"Again, who are you? Not just from your name, but who are you as a person? Are you the little girl who has been recruited by the mercenaries? Or there is still someone deep inside you that you haven't met?"

What Asha said made Shaelyn stare at her.

"Think Shaelyn. Who do you want to be known as?"

"Then what? How will that help? Will knowing myself help in controlling my magic?" she asks confused.

Asha stares directly at Shaelyn's eyes, as she pats her in the head.

"By accepting yourself. Once you accepted the YOU in your heart. Then, and only then you can completely control your power."


That night, Shaelyn sneaks out of the dorms. She quietly walked out of the hallways before heading to the training ground.

Asha's words continue to echo in her mind throughout the rest of the day. She doesn't comprehend what she suggests by that, but...

"If controlling my magic is my only way out of here then..."

She once attempted to escape from the academy but it was surrounded by a strong barrier.

Shaelyn took a deep breath as she tries clearing her mind.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

Her heart began thumping willy in her ribcage she is afraid it was going to break.

'MONSTER!!! She's a monster!!!'

Voices soon filled the quiet void of her mind, trying to break her concentration.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

"I'm not..." she mumbles as she took another deep breath.

The voices continue to echo in her head, but she continues to try and focus on connecting with her mana. Slowly, she can feel her mana starts rising.

"Focus Shae!" she mumbles to herself as she continues taking deep breaths.

Shaelyn's body starts glowing as her hair floats in the air. Energy starts surrounding her as she felt something snap inside her.
