Chapter 10 : One’s Duty

"A rare flower? Why are you telling us about this now? We could have a chance of finding that these past years!"- King Atlas's booming voice echoes inside his office.

He hasn't been sleeping properly for almost a month now since he was crowned King. Despite the eye-bags under his eyes, his face is still as handsome as ever which made the other officials who also been working nonstop, burn in jealousy.

They once asked, "How does he keep his face handsome despite working the same hours as us?! We even have time to rest but not his majesty!".

When Jasper heard this they received a death glare from him, and their workload doubled.

"I-I apologized your majesty.. I've been researching for a way to help the Princess. There's not that much information regarding her condition. And the flower 'Ashen Wild Rose' is the only flower that can heal any illnesses and boost one's health in an instant."- the royal physician explained.

Ashen Wild Rose is a rare kind of rose that has been used for medicinal purposes. It has rare light blue color with a hint of gold in the tips of its petals and stem. They usually grow under a unique tree called the Ashen tree. The Ashen tree has swirls of symbols in its body, it also grows golden leaves instead of green leaves.

"And that flower is also the one that has been used endlessly during the era of war."- Atlas added while staring at the nervous physician.

The era of war is what they labeled the era before the kingdoms have been built. Where war is happening everywhere during that time. The leaders of different tribes yearn to control the whole continent, including the land of the Forbidden.

Lives are being taken every single day until the leaders of the five tribes came to a peaceful resolution.

The Lockser tribe marked the south part of the continent as their territory since it's the one near the silver ocean where it has the most coral reefs.

The Caswell tribe claimed the western part of the continent and just beside the Lockser Kingdom, where it has the most minerals one can find.

The third tribe, now called the Saffron Kingdom claimed the eastern part of the continent, they choose it for the mountains surrounding the place.

While the fourth tribe, now called the Gerban Kingdom choose the northern part of the continent for its cold weather. They are people who are used to living in such harsh conditions. And lastly, the last tribe who is now called the Baroom Kingdom choose the very middle of the continent.

"Yes.. that's right. Since then, the flowers became so rare that some thought that they are non-existent anymore."- the royal physician answered with a nod.


"I.. dig through the archives of the past royal physicians from the very beginning of our Kingdom and found a map. Map and notes that explained where one can find the last area, where the flower blooms."- the doctor placed the journal he is holding, above Atlas's table.

Atlas examined it before opening the journal.

"It's ... very detailed. How can you be sure that it still exists?"- the King asks still reading the journal's content.

"It's the only way to save the Princess's life... your majesty."- the royal physician answered sincerely.


"Why do you have to be the one to personally seek this? Atlas?"- Shaelyn asked once Atlas finished explaining about the flower 'Ashen Wild Rose'.

"It will be faster this way, Shae. Sierra does not have much time left."- Atlas replied while packing the things he will need.

"But Atlas... you are now the King. People need you here, I... I need you here Atlas."- Shaelyn hugs him from behind trying not to let her tears fall.

Atlas sigh before placing his free hand above Shaelyn's, then he removed them. He turns around and kisses her forehead.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this. I already lost my parents and I don't want to lose my sister too. Please understand my position here Shae."- he explains, before giving her a quick kiss on her lips.

'What about me? Aren't you worried about losing me?'- Shaelyn bit her lips from saying these words. She does not want to be a burden to Atlas nor she does not want to appear too clingy.

She took a deep breath before looking away from him. At first, it was still a bit awkward to her to suddenly be married to him. But during their honeymoon, alone together without any responsibilities. She learned to accept him, care for him and maybe love him.

But it's only been almost two months since they first met, so she can't be sure of how Atlas feels about her.

"Fine.. just— just be careful. You are still the King of this kingdom."- she agrees while clenching her fist.

"Don't worry, I know my responsibilities. I will come back as soon as I can."- Atlas answered not noticing Shaelyn on the verge of tears.

"Then... I will inform Jasper of this, I hope you will have a safe journey."- she replied before leaving the room.

Once the door closes, Atlas stops packing as he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for leaving you like this. But I'm the only one who can get this flower safely, I can't risk more innocent lives than necessary."- he whispers before finally sealing his bag.

The area where the Ashen Wild Rose is blooming is inside the forbidden land. A separate land 200 kilometers away from the Lockser Kingdom. It is surrounded by a thick fog preventing anyone to see it. The water around the area, has harsh, fast currents preventing any ships or boats from closing in. It is said that magical creatures have been sealed inside the land thus it's called a Forbidden land.

Aside from that, no one knows what is inside the Forbidden Land. The only person who has managed to get inside never came out alive.

That night when Atlas was preparing his horse to leave.

"I'm going to entrust her to you Jasper. Protect both of them and serve Shaelyn like how you serve me."- Atlas said to Jasper who is holding his black horse.

"As you wished, your majesty."- Jasper answers before bowing his head in respect and handing the rope of the horse to him.

The knights who will travel with the King are all waiting for him near the palace gate.

"Atlas! Please wait!"- a voice shouted from the distance, as they heard her footsteps move closer to them.

Shaelyn set aside her pride to see Atlas again.

Tears are sitting in the corner of her eyes threatening to spill. Only Clara and Norie are running behind her.

"Shae! What are you doing here? It's already late at night, you should have been sleeping."- Atlas asks in surprise and concern.

Shaelyn hugs him as tightly as she can, with tears falling from her eyes.

"Please don't leave... I can't do this on my own."- Shaelyn pleaded to him,

Atlas felt his heart being broken into pieces, the moment he heard her voice filled with loneliness and pain.

He took a deep breath, before removing her from him. Even though he felt like he is piercing his heart with a sword by doing this.

"We have already talked about this, Shae."- he forces himself to be cold to her as he avoids looking at her gaze, so his resolve won't collapse the moment he met her eyes.

"Please!.. Atlas! I can't do this on my own! I'm begging you! Don't leave me.. please!"- Shaelyn's face is red, she glistened with her tears. She clings tightly to Atlas trying to stop him from leaving.

Atlas's hands started to shake as tears start to form from his own eyes.

But before the tears spill, he forcefully removes Shaelyn's hand from him.

He turns his back from her as he climbs on his horse.

"I'll be back soon."- and with that, he signals the knight as they leave the palace ground.

Shaelyn collapses on the ground as Clara, Norie, and Jasper comfort her.


Shaelyn's schedule becomes more hectic as she shoulders all the King's responsibilities. Although Jasper and Norie have been helping her, it still did not help the fact that this is the first time in her life she has to work all day and even all night.

She also frequently visiting Princess Sierra who is currently in a coma.

Once she is alone in her office she collapses on her chair while caressing her forehead.

"Why are there so many documents here?! This makes attending classes at the academy much more enjoyable."- she muttered to herself before taking a sip of her tea.

Since she started working, she learned to drink tea to help her relaxed.

Two weeks have already passed since Atlas have left on a journey to find the rare Ashen Flower.

She closes her eyes to rest for a few minutes when she felt an unknown present from above the ceiling.

She immediately moved out of the way as a dagger fell from the ceiling and got stuck on the chair she was resting on.

A masked man jumps out from the ceiling holding another dagger with poison dripping from its end.

The assassin runs towards her trying to stab her, Shaelyn kept on dodging it. She grabs the man's hands twisting them behind his back and pushing him on the floor.

"You're the fifteenth assassin to come here this week."- she mutters before casting a sleeping spell on the man.

The man closes his eyes, his hand letting the dagger fall out onto the carpeted floor as he passed out.

"To think I only need to cast a spell than using my strength to knock them down. Still, I wonder what is happening? There were no assassins until Atlas left. Could it be..."- she steps away from the assassin as she kicks away the dagger far from the man.

She was about to find a way to dispose of the assassin when the door burst open revealing one of her knights Ladwell. He has a scar running from his left eye down his cheek. His short brown hair glistened from the sun's light, while his sharp brown eyes looked around the room to find the assassin's body laying on the floor. His shiny armor is covered in blood while he is holding his long sharp sword with both hands.

"Your majesty! It's not safe here anymore! You have to come with me to evacuate!"- he announced as he slices the assassin's neck.

"What's happening Ladwell?!"- Shaelyn asks ignoring the dead assassin on the carpeted floor, whose now blood is soaking the cream-colored carpet red.

"The main palace is under attack! They took this chance to attack us when King Atlas is not around."- he said while looking around the hallway to make sure no one is around.

"What do you mean under attack?! How could that be possible?"- Shaelyn asks in surprise, she immediately hides the important documents before following Ladwell.

"There's an army attacking our borders from the Baroom Kingdom. They also have troops attacking the Laxis's territory keeping the young Duke Laxis's army busy. We have intel informing us that the Gerban Kingdom have secretly, been sending weapons to them."- Ladwell explained.

"So they are using Atlas's absent to try to conquer our kingdom then."-

They both entered a secret passageway to enter the meeting room where the head general of the royal army and the other officials have gathered.

The meeting room is a secured room where they discussed strategies and plans for the security of the kingdom. The room's main purpose is to prepare for war. It has a giant crystal ball floating in the middle of the room, where it's connected to other crystal balls situated outside the palace. There are some crystal balls hidden in different parts of the kingdom. Some are placed in different territories, while some are placed on the borders of the kingdom.

There is also five medium-size crystal ball floating around the giant one.

Below the crystal balls is the detailed map of the whole kingdom and its surroundings.

There are about six important figures and six knights, inside the meeting room. They were standing and watching the situation at the borders when the Queen and her knight entered.

"Your majesty! We are glad that you are safe! Assassins are everywhere in the palace."- one of the officials said, he is wearing a monocle on his right eye and he has a long white beard.

"How about the Princess? Is she safe?"- Shaelyn immediately asks.

"Yes, we made sure the Princess is guarded and is somewhere safe."- another answered. Shaelyn remembered him as one of the loyal supporters of the previous Queen, he has a bald head and is wearing gold chains around his neck. He may be loyal to the previous Queen but that doesn't mean he is not greedy for power.

"Report to me our current situation General Simon. I want to hear every detail and your honest opinion about it."- Shaelyn ordered the general of the royal army, as she positions herself at the place where the King can oversee everything.

"Yes, your majesty. Currently, the situation at the border is at risk. Count Roswell's soldiers are currently suppressing the Baroom Kingdom's forces that are attacking the southern border. Aside from that, assassins are attacking the main palace. We suspect some mages have helped them get past the security barrier and teleported them here."- General Simon explained.

"Mages! I knew it! They are just a bunch of traitorous bastards! To think that we welcome those monsters in here!"- Duke Fraitchell yelled as he slammed his hand above the table making the documents fall onto the marbled floor.

"That's right! Those monsters don't know how to be grateful! How dare they bite the hands that have to save them! Bastards!"- Duke Howell added.

Duke Vesper Laxis quietly gritted his teeth trying to ignore their remarks as he glances at the Queen's reaction. Duke Shannon on the other hand continues to analyze the situation at the borders. Since his daughter, who he has thrown away is now one of the Queen's lady-in-waiting, he can't freely express his opinion against the mages.

General Simon and the other knights inside glare at the two Dukes who are unaware of the Queen's anger.

"Silence!!"- Queen Shaelyn orders as she slams her hands on the table to gather their attention.

"But your majesty! Are you going to let those bastards go like that! "- Duke Fraitchell protested.

"Duke Fraitchell! Mind your tongue! You are talking to her majesty, the Queen!"- General Simon warned the Duke.

Duke Fraitchell only smirk at him before looking directly at the young Queen.

Queen Shaelyn clenched her fists as she bit her lip. Despite being crowned as the new Queen of the Caswell Kingdom, there are still nobles that haven't accepted her. Duke Howell and Duke Fraitchell are the ones that are leading a faction against her, especially since she is a mage who they considered a monster.

"Is there something wrong with my opinion, your majesty? When I'm only merely stating the truth."- Duke Fraitchell said while smirking.

Shaelyn is barely stopping herself from punching the smirk out of his face.

But she reminded herself that she is not only representing her position as the Queen but also Atlas's position as the King. She has to act properly to avoid sullying his reputation.

"Duke Fraitchell, whether you are merely stating the truth or not, I haven't given you any permission to speak. Or do you not respect my position as the Queen, and King Atlas's decision to give me his power as the King?"- Queen Shaelyn spoke as calmly as she can while maintaining eye contact with the Duke. Her eyes are clear without any fear nor anger, she is acting as a proper Queen.

Duke Fraitchell flinched, completely shocked by how she acted. She usually would not even dare to maintain eye contact with him even with Atlas by her side.

He still can't believe how irresponsible King Atlas is for suddenly leaving and placing his power on the young Queen.

He reluctantly bows his head before apologizing.

"I... I apologize, your majesty."- he said with a gritted teeth. Remembering how his daughter almost became the Queen, made his blood boil in anger.

"Now, what do we know about the reason why the Baroom Kingdom attacked?"- Queen Shaelyn asks as she looked around the room.

'I'm now the Queen and not merely Shaelyn. I've got to keep my acts together.'- Shaelyn keeps on repeating to herself.

Everyone in the room glanced around at one another, awkwardly coughing once they met the Queen's gaze.

"Is there something wrong?"- the Queen asks a bit puzzled by their reaction.

"Of course she would not know.. after all, her title as a Princess is just that, an 'empty title'."- Dukes Howell whispers to Duke Fraitchell as they both smirk at one another.

"Did you say something Duke Howell?"- Shaelyn who heard what they said, asked.

The two-step away from one another before Duke Howell shakes his head.

"Nothing, your majesty."- he answers before looking away.

Duke Vesper is the one who steps in to explain.

"Your majesty, the Baroom Kingdom have long been trying to conquer the Caswell Kingdom and the Lockser Kingdom as well. Twenty-eight years ago they have allied themselves with the Gerban Kingdom and started a war to conquer our Kingdom. It was thanks to your mother, the current Queen of the Lockser Kingdom that we have won that war. Her Majesty, the Queen has led the army of the Lockser Kingdom aiding us to victory."- Duke Vesper explains politely, he forgot that Shaelyn wasn't aware of anything related to politics or the kingdom's relationship with one another.

"My mother did that?.."- Shaelyn mutters, surprised at the sudden information. She knows nothing about her mother and the relationship of the kingdoms with one another.

"It's a well-known fact, your majesty."- Duke Shannon who has been quiet this whole time said with a cold voice.

Shaelyn's face flushed red for a moment before composing herself. Duke Howell and Duke Fraitchell grin among themselves, pleased that the young Queen got flustered with her ignorance.

"We have received reports that the Baroom Kingdom has been in frequent contact with the Gerban Kingdom these past four years. Although we have been keeping an eye on them, we still failed to prepare for their attacks. This is all because of my incompetence, I will take full responsibility your majesty."- General Simon apologized as he kneels in front of her, diverting everyone's attention to him.

"There is nothing we can do about that now general, so please rise. We need to plan a way to defend our kingdom and suppress them."- Shaelyn said, not noticing the stares she received when she said the word 'please'.

Another mistake she made as to their Queen.

"What are you planning on doing, your majesty?"- Duke Shannon asks while tapping his fingers on the table.

'What am I supposed to do in this situation? Atlas never told me anything about things like this. I was too busy to asks anything from my mother nor Asha... come on Shaelyn! Think!'- Shaelyn bit her lip as she thinks of a plan, then she remembers what Vesper have told them earlier.

'My mother! That's right she led the army that defeated the Baroom's soldiers! She knows about them more than anyone!'- with the newfound idea she faces them with confidence.

"First, we need to get rid of the assassins in the palace. General, I want you to assign someone you trust in charge of ridding the assassins."- she orders, and the general immediately orders one of the knights with them.

"Next, I need someone to contact the Queen of Lockser immediately using the communication orbs."

"Your majesty, I don't want to be rude or anything but.. this is not the time for you to talk with the Queen, your mother."- Duke Fraitchell said with a sarcastic grin.

She glared at him, she knew exactly what he meant by that. He thinks of her as a naive girl who uses her parents' influence for her position.

"Duke Fraitchell... if you have forgotten my mother is the one who has faced the Baroom Kingdom's soldier during the war, as Duke Vesper has said. That's why we need the information she knows about them to suppress them. Is there a problem with that?"- she answers as she clenched her fists once again. She is suppressing her mana from losing control because of her anger.

"Of course not, your majesty. But this situation is not a problem for the Lockser Kingdom but ours. I just don't want anyone to get a hold of our situation and used it for their gain."- Duke Fraitchell replied while smirking, clearly challenging her authority.

Shaelyn took a deep breath, releasing her aura and composing herself before staring directly at Duke Fraitchell's eye.

With her intense gaze and aura staring directly at him, the Duke began shaking in fear. The Queen's aura is suffocating him, he can feel her mana creeping on his neck making him choke.

"Y-your m-majesty!.."- he exclaims.

"Duke Fraitchell... if you have a different solution for our problem then I will allow you to speak. But if you have nothing that can help us... then shut.your.mouth."- She said in a cold voice that made everyone in the room freeze in fear, she chokes him a bit more before releasing him when he was about to pass out.

He collapses on the marbled floor breathing heavily while caressing his neck.

Shaelyn proceeds to stare at the rest of the officials, before speaking.

"Is there anyone else who has a different solution?"- she asked with a cold smile on her face. Everyone bows their head at her in fear, except for Vesper, who bowed his head in respect.

"Now, find me someone who can contact the Queen of Lockser immediately."- she ordered as Duke Howell frantically ordered one of the knights to summon the head mage.


In the luxurious throne room of the Baroom Kingdom, there sat its King on his golden throne.

"Your majesty, are you sure about this plan? Can we trust the Gerban Kingdom?"- one of the King's advisors asks while kneeling in front of the King.

The King glance at him before staring at the large painting of his face hangs above the throne room's golden double door.

"Are you saying you don't have trust in my skills?"- he asked in a cold voice that made the advisor shiver.

"N-no, your majesty!.. Please spare me, your majesty! I didn't mean anything like that! "- the advisor bows his head deeply while shaking in fear.

Their King is well known for his temper and for killing anyone most painfully.

"You are lucky... I'm in a good mood today. Anyway, you don't have to worry about the loyalty of the Gerban Kingdom. We are the only ones who can help them with their problem as long as they help us destroy the Caswell Kingdom."- King, King Stefan Yosef Baroom said with a smirk on his face.

He has curly golden hair, round chestnut eyes, a sharp nose, and thin pink lips. At the young age of twenty-four, he slew his father the King, his five brothers, and sold his three sisters to corrupt nobles. He became a tyrant who have thirst for blood once he was seated on the throne. The reason why the Gerban Kingdom was helping him in the first place was that he held their precious Princess as a hostage and blocked the trading for their food.

The main reason why the Baroom Kingdom chooses the middle part of the continent is to control the trading that will happen with the kingdoms and the small countries surrounding them.

"With the previous King and Queen of the Caswell Kingdom gone. Now their only son and current King off to who knows where! The only one protecting that kingdom is that naive little Queen! Ah! That's right! I heard she's quite a beauty right? Jorem?"- the King asks with a glint of interest in his eyes.

"Y-yes!.. That's right! They say she has soft blonde hair as shiny as the sun's rays. Her gentle blue eyes as clear as the blue sky!"- Jorem said remembering the gossips he have heard when the new Queen was crowned.

"Ooh! Just my type! Order the general to capture her as my trophy and banned them from touching her. Or I'll cut off their fingers."- the King said while licking his lips.

".. but your majesty, I heard she's quite young, about only eighteen years of age."- Jorem said while staring at the marbled floor.

"So what? We are just six years apart, what's the problem with that?"- the King asks in a cold voice while raising his left eyebrow, twitching in annoyance.

"I—I apologize your majesty!"- Jorem bowed his head once again afraid that this time his head will roll on the floor.