Chapter 13 : The Cursed Throne

Their swords danced together, creating sparkles of light. Blood dripping on the marbled floor, new wounds began to take form.

Their screams and laughter reverberate creating a chilling sound. Unconscious bodies surrounding them like flowers in a field.

Flesh colliding with one another, spells are cast every time one lowers their guard.

A dance which spills each other's blood...

A beautiful dance no one can stop... until death hunts them down.

A stab in one's knees, a kick in the stomach, and a flash of light.

Breathing heavily, he uses his sword to lift him from the ground.

A stench of blood and sweat covers the whole room, it's a miracle that the knights are still knock out.

Clacking heels echoes on the marbled floor as she walks forward, blood covers her beautiful dress.

She lifts her sword pointing it towards his throat.

"It's over.."- she said breathing heavily, her body aches with her every move but no pain shows in her focused eyes.

The man gulps loudly, hands shaking, blood stained his alluring clothes.

"Now I know why she chooses you... "- he whispered under his breath, hope lights up his eyes.

"Any last words?"- she stops herself from shaking while raising her sword.

"Let me tell you this... if you ever find out something after this. Don't ever let go of your grudge against me, blame everything on me. Use me to relieve you of your pain, anger, and grief. Never forget my words... whether you listen to this advice or not, it's your choice."- the King grabs her free hand and squeezes it gently before placing a kiss on top of it.

Everything she witnesses about him only brings confusing questions to her.

She was about to open her mouth when she saw his expression.

"..."- she doesn't understand why his face is showing relief instead of frustration.

She tightens her hold of her sword, an unknown force took a hold of her.

She felt her body move on its own plunging her sword inside Yosef's chest, stabbing him right through his beating heart.

Eyes widen in surprise, she stares at his face.

"Thank you..."- he whispers, his chestnut eyes looking at her gently. A genuine smile forms on his lips despite the blood dripping from them.

Her body shakes, as a chill runs down her spine.

Yosef closes his eyes, his sword has fallen making a loud noise. His body fell on her, as he breathed his final breath.


The sound of her shaky breathing is the only sound she can hear.

Surrounded by bodies while holding a cold body in her arms, she let out a scream.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"- with tears pouring down her face, she continues to scream. Her screams echo making every servant who heard it, shake in fear.

With blurry vision she glances at the body she's holding and throws up on the side. Her shaky hand wipes her bitter lips and looks up at the ceiling.

Her eyelids close as she falls backward, collapsing on the blood-covered marbled floor.


Voices whispering around her, as her head pounded painfully, her body feels so heavy and painful at the same time. A wet cloth is placed above her forehead, while someone wiping her with another cloth.

She forces her heavy eyelids to open up, blinking away the blurriness of her vision. An unfamiliar ceiling welcomes her.

She quickly sits up making her head spin around, she clutches her pounding head. Her tangled blonde hair covered her entire face.

"Your majesty! She's awake! Immediately call the royal physician!"- a voice shouted from beside her, making her head throb painfully once again.

She raised her left hand slightly, clearing her parch throat she said, "W-water."

A servant pours a glass of water from the pitcher and handed it over to her.

She gratefully drank the water, pleasing her dry mouth and throat.

"Thank you..?"- she weakly said before looking up only to see that the servants around her are all unfamiliar faces.

The door to the room opens revealing a new unfamiliar face, the woman is wearing the same clothing as the royal doctor in the Caswell Kingdom.

"Who are you?.."- she questions as she let her check her wounds.

"Greetings to your majesty, my name is Rosalind. I'm the Royal physician of the Baroom Kingdom."- the woman introduced making her eyes widen.

"W-what? Why am I here— oh!"- she began to ask when memories flash through her mind. Her shoulders began to shake as she stares at her hands. She can still envision the blood of Yosef, painted on her hand.

"Calm down your majesty! Please drink this tea, it will help you."- she heard Rosalind said before placing a drink on her hand.

Without even checking what kind of drink it is, she immediately drank it.

She felt her body relaxes, her heart begins to beat at a normal pace.

"...why? Why did you treat my wound?"- she asked after a minute has passed.

The servants and Rosalind glance at each other before they bow their heads at her.

"It is only normal to serve our new ruler."- they all answered at the same time.

Shaelyn grips the soft blanket covering her legs, a weird feeling spread inside her chest.


The maids assist her during her bath and help her wore the dress they've prepared.

She learned that it's been three days since the fight. Jorem, Yosef's previous advisor, is the one who took charge of cleaning everything. He sent a letter to the Caswell Kingdom relaying everything that happened.

He also sent a letter to the battlefield to stop their soldiers from attacking. The Princess of the Gerban Kingdom has cried in relief when she found out that she's finally free. She is currently preparing to go back to her home.

Shaelyn has also inquired the reason why they immediately accept her as their new ruler. It turns out there is a tradition in the Baroom Kingdom, that the strong rules the weak. When Shaelyn defeated Yosef, it makes her far stronger than anyone else.

They hold a simple funeral for Yosef, his three sisters even attended the funeral while holding bouquets of white poppies each.

She is currently standing in front of his grave while holding a white rose.

A cold breeze blew past her making her hair sway.

"I don't get it... after all you've done to them, they still want you to have peace. Even your sisters, who you have sold, gave you white poppies. Why are they like that?.."- she mutters while staring at his name.

As if answering, another fresh breeze circles her.


She gazes up, glancing from the hill she's standing. The view of the capital of the Baroom Kingdom can be seen from the hill.

A new responsibility has been placed upon her shoulders.


"Is there a reason behind your answer?"- Shaelyn asks, she is currently having tea with one of Yosef's sisters. All of his sisters rejected her offer on giving them the throne.

Anisha took a sip of the tea she's holding before answering a simple 'yes.

Shaelyn observes her face, Anisha has almost the same features as Yosef since they were born with the same mother, though Anisha is a year younger than him. Their father the King, has one Queen and five concubines. Yosef and Anisha's mother is a concubine, born from a Marquess family.

"Tell me the reason, I want to understand your answer."-

Anisha glances at her, her gentle chestnut eyes feel different from Yosef's.

"... there is a curse that was placed on the King's throne."- she started, making Shaelyn flinch.


"Yes... a curse was placed on whoever is going to be crowned King. It started because of a wish of the seventh King of this Kingdom have wished."-

Shaelyn's feet began tapping nervously on the floor, she feels like she will discover something important.

"According to his journal, he once wished to have the Baroom Kingdom be part of an empire. Thus he did everything to find a magical creature to fulfill this wish. But he failed, creating a curse to our bloodline."-

"What makes you say that? How did you know that the curse is true?"-

"Because every ruler that has been recorded after him, instantly changes the moment they sat on the throne. A kind and gentle Princess turned into a greedy Queen who stole every precious item and lives in this kingdom. A smart Prince turns into a dumb King who only seeks pleasure... like my father."- Anisha said with a slight bitterness in her voice.

The reason the Baroom Kingdom attacked the Caswell Kingdom before was that the King wanted to make Atlas' mother part of his harem.

"What if their true personality shines after they were crowned?"-

Anisha shakes her head, "If only that was the case but... A symbol always appeared on their body before their personality changes. My father has a symbol on his neck while my brother... he has a symbol on his left shoulder."

"What kind of symbol is it?"- Shaelyn asks curiously, her heart hammering inside her ribcage.

"The symbol looks like a fairy's wings."- Anisha whispers in a low voice that only Shaelyn can hear.

Shaelyn felt her head throb, a memory once again flashes in her mind.

"... a fairy's wings?"- she repeated while caressing her throbbing head.

"Are you alright, your majesty?"- Anisha asks worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine. Can you tell me what happened during that tragedy? I mean if it's okay with you? I know that it's a painful memory but—"-

Anisha cuts her off with a gentle smile, that gentle smile somewhat reminded her of her mother. She averts her eyes from her smile and stares at her tea instead.

"Although that tragedy has happened not too long ago, we— my sisters and I have long accepted it as their fate."-

"Fate huh?"- Shaelyn mutters while swirling her almost cold tea.

"That's right, Fate. One day, my brother Yosef, suddenly changed. A strong resolve can be seen from his eyes. After that, he told me that no matter what he will do from that day, he will only do it to protect us.".

"Anisha promises me one thing.."- my brother, Yosef, said staring straight at my eyes while holding my shoulders.

We are currently at the library, we just finished reading the history of the Kings and Queens of our Kingdom.

"Brother... what are trying to do?"- I have asked in concern.

He just smiles at me, "I'm going to do my best to protect you.".

"He was preparing to fight against the Crown Prince, our older brother for the position of the future King. He became busy to the point that I rarely see him anymore. Then one day, he came home in a daze. I tried talking to him but he doesn't notice me.".

"Brother? What happened? Did the Marquess agreed to your proposal?"- I asked my brother since I know that he went to the Marquess's estate to propose something but...

"..."- he walked past me and enter his room, when he came out he is holding a sword that was given to him by our mother.

"He grabbed his sword and went straight to the throne room, where my father was talking with my brothers and some officials. I have a bad feeling that day and even grabbed him to stop him from doing anything he will regret. But..."-

Lifting the hem of my dress I run after him, ignoring the protests of my maids or the stares I received from the knights or the officials I passed by.

He stopped in front of the throne room's door, the knights preventing him from entering the room. I didn't even try to catch my breath as I hug him from behind.

"Brother.. please stop whatever you are planning on doing, we can think this through okay?"- I said as I hug him tighter.

He tightened his grip on his sword and muttered a quiet ' I'm sorry before strong energy exploded from him slamming me on the wall hard.

"I was abruptly slammed in the wall hard, I heard a lot of screams and shoutings before I became unconscious. When I woke up, I found myself still laying on the carpeted floor outside the throne room. I searched around and saw b-blood everywhere..."- Anisha, continued while her hands are shaking slightly.

"B-brother?.."- I weakly uttered, looking around to find any signs of him.

I can feel an incredible pain coming from my back and shoulders. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw bodies of knights covered in their blood laying in front of the destroyed door.

My hands starting to shake, my stomach is churning and my heart is beating wildly inside my ribcage.

Shaelyn placed her hand on top of Anisha's and gave it a gentle squeeze. Anisha smiles warmly at Shaelyn, thankful for the gesture.

"Forcing myself to ignore the bloodied scene, I force opened the throne room's door and what I witnessed have... startled me. There standing in the middle of my brother's and father's bodies is my dear brother who is covered with their blood. The officials are kneeling beside the wall with tears streaming from their eyes.".

My knees almost gave out at the scenery in front of me. I covered my trembling lips with my shaky hands, I can't seem to stop myself from staring at the scene.

"But what shocked me the most is the symbol I saw when my brother turned around to face me. A fairy's wings were carved on his left shoulder glowing slightly and his eyes... there is some strange glow coming from the inside."-

My brother's once kind eyes...

"B-brother?..."- I shakily called out to him.

Shivers run down my body when his lips smiled coldly at me.

"Well... look who's here. My dear little sister, are you proud of what I've done here?"- he asks, the tone of his voice is different than the one I'm used to.


I was frozen in the spot when he started walking towards me, he pats me in my head with his bloodied hand, making me flinched.

"What's the matter? Speechless? I know, I've done such an excellent job here. Now that I'm the new king, I'll make sure that no one else in this cursed bloodline will sit on this throne. So dear sister... I will have to send you and our remaining sisters away from this cursed throne. And... please run away from me."- he whispered the last part to my ear, as he gently caressed my cheek. I can hear the pain from his voice, he is trying to suppress something from controlling him.

Tears started falling from my eyes as I bit my lips to prevent myself from crying out loud.

"That's the last time I heard my brother's voice. And when I met him again, together with my two sisters, he was already crowned as our new King. He sent us to marry the husbands he has chosen, and prevent us from entering this castle ever again."- Anisha finished, as she wipes away the tears that have gathered on the corner of her eyes.

"He has saved you... is that what you believe?"- Shaelyn asks, she's gripping the handle of the teacup tightly.

"Yes.. that's not what we believe, but rather that's the truth. My sisters have also found out about this, the day he sends us away. None of us blame him for doing what he has done. And..."- Anisha grab both

Shaelyn's hands and gave them a gentle squeeze.

"We don't blame you for ending his reign, instead we are thankful to you for saving him. Thank you, your majesty."- Anisha thanked her with warm tears falling from her gentle chestnut eyes, and with a warm smile on her lips.


The truth that she has learned greatly made her feelings complicated. She now understands the meaning behind his words that day.

She bit her lips before taking a deep breath. What she has found out can wait, right now she needs to clear her mind.

"Announcing the arrival of her majesty the Queen! All hail her majesty!"- an announcer declared her present. The door in front of her opens revealing all the officials and nobles of the Baroom Kingdom lined up while bowing their heads.

"All hail your majesty the Queen!"- they all greet in unison.

Today is the day she will officially introduce herself as the new ruler of the Baroom Kingdom.

Shaelyn wearing her golden lace dress, embedded with real diamonds paired with long white silky gloves. Her long golden cape gently swaying behind her, as her diamond crown shining in its full glory. Her three inches silver heels, clacking every time she steps on the carpet above the marbled floor.

Looking up ahead of her is her new golden throne decorated by real jewels making it shine as the light pass by it. There is something about that throne making her feel uneasy.

Once she reached the throne, she faced her audience before signaling for them to stop bowing.

A voice whispering from behind her, "Come and sit on me... I will make sure to make all your dreams come true."

"I, Shaelyn Lockser-Caswell, will be the new ruler of this Kingdom. From here on out, the Baroom Kingdom will become part of the Caswell Kingdom— no... I hereby announced that from this day onwards, the Caswell Kingdom will be known for its new name. As both our kingdoms combine, an empire has been established. Let's all celebrate the birth of the Caswell Empire!"- she said in a loud authoritative voice, making everyone in the room sensed their heart skip a beat.

"All hail our new Empress!! All hail the birth of our Empire!!"- Jorem declared as he kneels in front of her.

The others all followed his example and kneeled in front of their new Empress.

"All hail our new Empress!! All hail the birth of our Empire!!"- their loud cheers echo along with the sounds of their beating hearts.
