Time Travel Reincarnation

She eventually arrived at a Chinese style shrine with a very large courtyard, and 4 ladies were waiting for her.

One of them was this girl with long hair and higher than average Asian height called Anna Lee, a Korean lady. She mentioned, "Should we be scared, now that our 2 sisters of fire have perished just like that?" She was the controller of the wind element and a gust of wind blew through her hair, and her hair swayed in the wind making her look very graceful.

Another girl, long haired but slightly shorter and plumper than the average lady, Bianca Pham Lina, the controller of water, mentioned, "They were too weak and under-confident to fight on their own and relied on their 'lovers' immediately. We are not like that."

The third girl there was the slimmest of the group, though not taller, was Angela Nomulun, a slim and tall long-legged Chinese-Mongolian lady with lightning powers. She said, "there are four of us and she is one, isn't it a little unfair?"

The last girl, Janice Hung, was around the same figure as Bianca. She then mentioned, "But she single handedly took down our two sisters, so we can't afford to be complacent".

The 4 of them leapt towards where Kularb was and confronted her in hand-to-hand combat. Kularb was fast in blocking and dodging but so were the four of them.

Janice took out of wooden wand and vines to appear from the concrete ground to crack open and emerge and wind themselves round Kularb to immobilize her. Kularb struggled but cried out loud to use the power of fire to burn her way through.

Bianca then attacked her with blasts of cold energy to freeze Kularb, but Kularb countered with fireballs so the ice blasts was like splashing cold water on her.

Angela then blasted bolts of lightning at her but she erected barriers to earth away the electric blasts.

"She's practically invincible", said Anna. "Maybe she needs some wind".

Anna created a hurricane around Kularb at the center, lifting up Kularb into the sky by causing her to shoot up into the sky in a spiral fashion.

Kularb used her magical power from her Renma Kiryu to break the wind, to Anna's horror.

She fired a Renmaba at the four of them and created a crater. The shrine was gone.

The four of them disappeared…

However, in their place were four god-like beings…

Four of them, whose bodies have metallic skin and amber yellow glowing eyes.

Each of them looked identical apart from their skin hue, such as Genbu, the controller of water with the dark bluish hue, Kouryou, the controller of earth with the light brownish hue, Seiryu, the controller of wind with the light bluish hue, and Byakko, the controller of lightning with the whitish skin.

Kularb sensed using her psychic power that the four of these god-like figures were being controlled by the four girls who were residing within each of these gods.

After that, the four of them merged into one entity. This entity appeared the same after transforming except that he had four faces, each facing one direction, but he has 2 pairs of arms instead of 3. One pair of arms was the original pair that grew out of his shoulders, whereas the next pair of arms grew out from below his armpits. Of course, the number of pairs of legs didn't change. However, each pair of arms have the strength of 2, while its only pair of legs had the strength of 4 pairs of legs. This new entity was called Ashura Shitenou.

Kularb used her magic circle to summon Show to merge with him. Controlling Show, she dashed forward to attack but was kicked very far away into the nearby forest by Shiten-Ashura.

Ashura Shitenou then leapt into the air and came down quickly to stomp on Show while he was on the ground. Show was not on time and Ashura Shitenou stomped on his body with two feet three times with the strength of 4 people before jumping to the area of the ground next to Show, and then kicked him again a few times in the side.

"Hahhahahahahahahahhaha", Anna laughed.

"Aren't we being too cruel, 4 against one like this?" asked Bianca.

"But didn't we learn that all is fair in love and war?" responded Angela.

"Most importantly, we have to win", said Janice.

Janice then commanded the ground to recede and form a hole for Show to be buried inside.

The ground suddenly caved in and Show was falling further into the ground and becoming covered in soil. Show struggled, but to no avail. Janice then further commanded the trees to form roots to hold the soil once Show was completely below the surface so that he will be trapped inside.

However, all of a sudden, the roots of the trees caught fire as they were made of wood, and Show emerged as if nothing happened. This was because, Show and Kularb now had the power of fire from the defeated Devi and Dess who were controlling Hyottoko.

Ashura Shitenou fired a ball of energy from each hand to cast a spell. One hand fired ice at Show, and Show was covered with a layer of ice to immobilize him. However, the 10 gems on his chest lit up and the layer of ice vaporized. The other hand fired a bolt of electricity but Show used a shield to deflect the electricity to the earth. The 3rd hand summoned a hurricane to lift him up, which it did. Show was thrown high into the air. However, he got out of the hurricane and gained control of his limbs and came down to stomp on Ashura Shitenou's head. Ashura Shitenou then used his last hand to summon a gigantic vine from the ground to wind round Show and immobilize him. However, Show only summoned the power of fire from Hyottoko to burn away the fire. Ashura Shitenou then combined the powers of all four arms and summoned a ball of energy combining 4 elements to fire it against Show. The 10 gems on Show's chest then glowed and he summoned a similar ball of energy, and charged it, but discreetly. Ashura Shitenou released the ball of energy first, thinking he was going to enjoy a first mover advantage. Show then released his fireball. The two fireballs clashed, and both sides continued to add energy into their own fireballs to overpower each other. Which fireball was going to win? Both sides were investing their emotions in the fight.

Kularb, who was inside Show, was also contributing to the energy maintaining the fireball. That was when she heard a voice. "Defeat them, free them from Lilith's spell".

"Why, I thought you're on their side", asked Kularb. Devi then said, "Lilith put us under her spell to gather energy from Show and fight you, otherwise we are supposed to be on your side, since we are the same person reincarnated into different persons in the same time line, each reincarnation controlling 1 element. Right now you are at the end of the series of reincarnations. All of us are your past lives, except Monamber.


"She's your next incarnation after your death. You are supposed to become her after you die. When you die I'm future your soul will be sent to the past to be born as her. Therefore our deaths and yours are necessary. However, you need to free her from Lilith, and free all of us by defeating and killing us, or else we remain immortal vampires and can't reincarnate and you'll cease to exist."

"We'll lend you our powers, finish off Ashura Shitenou for us", said Dess.

The fireball swelled and pushed itself towards Ashura Shitenou.

The fireball hit him and he fell to the ground, and exploded.

After that, Kularb had a vision of the four girls Anna, Bianca, Angela, and Janice joining hands with her together with Devi and Dess. If only they had a chance to be together before Lilith got to her, they would probably be a great team and have happy times together. Right now, they could only be with her

In spirit.

And that was literally.


Kularb was exhausted and fell to the ground, not forgetting that there were no living inhabitants on the island to provide food and lodging to recharge her. Two major battles and sweeping through a mob of enemies singlehandedly was no small feat.

Despite her victory, she could die anytime.

She then heard a voice call out to her and a very warm light envelop her.

It felt like a calling from herself, her ideal self, what she wanted to be, the beauty of herself which she viewed as ideal as compared to who she was in real life.

When she woke up, she was energized again, as if she had many days sleep in a hospital bed or had been having feasts on several consecutive days, even though she was lying unconscious in the open courtyard of what used to be the shrine which was damaged by the battle.


Somewhere in a dark room, which looked like a throne room, Lilith Monamber was looking through a crystal ball and noticed that Kularb has recovered.

"No…what sorcery is this? She recovered without any help from anyone, especially on a deserted island inhabited only by my monsters!" cursed Lilith.

Three ladies in black robes stepped forward and stopped a few feet away from her. "You were complaining of a headache just now, my queen?" The one in the center asked.

"No wonder', Lilith said. "The real Monamber is trying to break free to help them. But her body is still under my full control." Then, she started to call them by name.

"Kimiko Kuno, Anastasia Joannah Ocampo, and Avril Chin, the three of you are my last hope"

The tall, voluptuous, and long-legged long-haired Japanese beauty was Kimiko Kuno, also known by her nickname "Cookie". The petite lady with the small eyes and mouth and long hair was Avril Chin. The one who was slightly chunkier in figure but more voluptuous than Kimiko was Anastasia Joannah Ocampo. Anastasia commanded the power of Matter, and her guardian familiar was Miroku. Avril commanded the power of Mind, and her guardian familiar was Hannya. Both Hannya and Miroku appeared like human beings with divine aura, clothing, and armor. Cookie commanded the power of the Moon, and her guardian familiar was Chandra, appearing as a humanoid beast mutant. All these were their ex-boyfriends whom Lilith helped made them into becoming their loyal and obedient guardian familiars. The three girls summoned their "boyfriend" guardian familiars and combined them immediately to form a gestalt called Yasha, who appears like a general of armies in ancient China, except that the armor was black and dark.

"Go, Yasha, seek out Kularb and destroy her," commanded Lilith Monamber.

"Yes, my lady!" said Yasha, and he disappeared into thin air.


Yasha appeared right in front of Kularb, and they started fighting. Kularb summoned Show and merged with him, and it became a battle between Show and Yasha instead.

Yasha generated a black sword to be held in his right hand and used it to slash Show in his divine guardian familiar mode. Yasha slashed Show 5 times, and then Show fell down. Yasha then fired some electric bolts onto Show to damage him further. Yasha then used his matter power to create some rocks and then used telekinesis to lift up those rocks to drop them on Show. Show rolled away to avoid them, one after another, but was eventually hit by one.

Yasha simply walked over to Show when he was on the ground and then kicked him. After that, Yasha used the sword to slash and poke him again and again. The sword could not penetrate him but the hit by the sword was able to inflict some pain and damage to Show.

Eventually, Show was unable to move due to extensive damage which paralyzed him. The powers of Show wore off and only Kularb was lying on the floor.

Yasha then enclosed her in a red colored energy bubble and teleported her away.

Kularb got up and found herself inside what looked like indoor military facility, something like a hangar containing lots of dismantled military tanks and vehicle parts.

That was when Yasha appeared. "How do you like your new home?"

Kularb snapped back. "It's horrible. Your sense of hospitality is terrible."

"Oh, but that's just fine, because it is only temporary, while death is more permanent," said Yasha. "If you die, there will be no more reincarnation for you."

"What do you mean?" asked Kularb.

"The three of us are the first 3 in the cycle of time-travel reincarnation. We have to die to be reincarnated as the rest of them, and finally, you, Kularb. But if we continue to possess this vampire-like eternal life Lilith has given us, we will never die and you will not exist. Even Avril and Joannah will not exist. Even Monamber will not exist." After that, Yasha morphed into Cookie. "Only I, Cookie, shall remain, and become the primary vessel for Lilith." After that, she morphed back into Yasha. "But if you defeat us, the cycle of reincarnation will proceed, and you will have a chance of defeating Lilith. I won't be giving you that chance, for sure."

"You fools! This way you only have the powers of one of us and your forces will be greatly weakened!" said Kularb.

"Wrong! We were never meant to be an army. The twenty of you were meant to destroy each other, so that Lilith, can return to the world of the living and rule the world. Your powers are not needed. In fact, your disappearance is, very much appreciated," said Yasha. So it means that Yasha's voice was not the will of the 3 girls but the will of Lilith herself.

Yasha then stretched out a hand and started releasing a beam of red colored energy waves onto Kularb.

Kularb screamed.

"Now we will convert your heart to evil so that you will surrender the 10 gems of creation to us, since I know that you won't release them even if I threatened to kill someone close to you, because you have no one."

"Wrong, I have someone, and that is Show!" retorted Kularb

"If Show was so important, why did you leave him?" rebuffed Yasha.

"Arrrrrrrgh!!!!!" Kularb screamed. It was a response to guilt. That was supposed to act as a catalyst for evil brainwashing. Eventually Kularb became unconscious.

"Eventually she'll succumb", said Yasha, and he stopped showering her with red energy and then disappeared.

Kularb was lost in a coma within her own world in her mind. But inside her mind, she was not alone. Devi, Mimi, Anna, Bianca, Angela, Janice, and Show were with her.

"Don't worry, they will not be able to get the 10 gems, because they are on a planet far away. Right now only I carry the links to the gems, and those links cannot be surrendered unless willingly given by another person who has the links."

"So, are you going to give me the links? I need to defeat this monster!"

"There is, but you need to go through the process"

"Which is?"

"To go down memory lane, of your previous past lives, as all these girls here"

Suddenly, Cookie, Avril, and Joannah appeared as well.

You need to go down memory lane and find out more about who you were when you were granted the automatic link to each elemental gem. You can start with…Devi.

Devi Mutiara Anjani was from Bandung, Indonesia, and was a girl who loved to act cute in front of the camera. She didn't finish school and started working in the nightlife areas. On one of her off days, she met one of her customers and he asked for her help to look for a treasure called Cupu Manik Astagina, or the Astagina Gemstone Chalice, a sacred object that only existed in the legends. He turned out to be a guy of wizard lineage, and the object will give him the powers of the sun god. They eventually found it at the bottom of a lake and when it was found, they actually gained powers of the sun and they enrolled in magic school in Europe to enhance their powers. They entered into a steady relationship and this guy told Devi that he was probably the sun god, and he called himself Surya, and Devi herself was his lover called Anjani in their past life. They were so close that they thought they will not part. However, due to his enhanced charms, he was very popular with the girls and Surya himself had problems trying to get away from them. He was trying to be friendly, but Devi kept on being jealous.

That was when she sought the help of Lilith Monamber who was also studying in the same school as her. She promised to make Surya loyal to her and never leave her. Lilith Monamber then used a spell to seduce him. After seducing him, she placed him under a spell to make him into a genie like slave and gave it to Devi to use. Devi was angry but Lilith Monamber blackmailed her to work for her if she wanted her lover to be brought back to life.

The stories were similar for the rest. Cookie was a trained Japanese female ninja operating in Thailand and one of her missions led her to meet the love of her life, Chandra, and also ended up in the same school. Anna Lee was a North Korean defector who was trying to get to South Korea and ended up in Thailand because of her land journey through China and Myanmar. She eventually stayed in Thailand because of someone she met, Seiryu, and they ended up in the same school. Avril was an ESPer in Taiwan helping the police capture a mafia head. However, when she met the mafia head, Hannya, he also turned out to be of magical lineage which led both of them to the same school and meet with the same fate. Vietnamese girl Bianca Pham Lina herself was a water dowser who met the love of her life, Genbu, while on a mission. Dess Mimi was a Burmese immigrant in Thailand who met Suzaku, a gang fighter, during an attack by gangsters at a club. Anastasia Joannah Ocampo was a Filipina tourist visiting Hua Hin where she met Miroku during a beach performance. Mongolian girl Angela Nomulun was a hobbyist technology researcher who met Byakko in Japan during a technology road show, and Janice Hung met Kouryu during a gardening expo and the rest was history. However, all the 9 guys were scions of 3 major magical clans. Surya and Chandra were from the Wisetchareon Clan of Thailand. Suzaku, Genbu, Kouryu, Seiryu, and Byakko were scions of the Ozu Clan of Japan which was operating mainly in China. Miroku and Hannya were from the Nikaido Clan of Japan though they were operating in Philippines.

The deaths of these scions meant the end of these 3 mighty clans, and their assets were quickly acquired by several companies that operated that are rumored to be operating under one major group of which no one knows its name. However, it was a very well calculated move to eliminate major forces of power in the magical world in the Asian region.

Once she understood the background of all this, she was able to craft the magical link to the 10 magic gems.

Once she broke free from the confines of her magical bubble prison, Yasha started to writhe in pain before he collapsed and disintegrated. The souls of Cookie, Avril, and Joannah were finally free.

"Thank you, Kularb, for freeing us! Now, please go and save Lady Monamber," said the 3 of them.

"What? I don't get it? Isn't she whom we are supposed to defeat."

"Monamber is not evil. It is Lilith, the entity controlling her that is evil. Monamber is your future incarnation, born with the power to control the power from all 10 elements freely without the need of any mana," explained Cookie.