Hot Gossip

They arrived at the Lamian Palace restaurant, which at noon looked crowded.

As soon as they entered, old Leo, the owner of the restaurant, saw them. He walked quickly towards them. 

Mel smiled when she saw old Leo. Every time she saw him, she automatically remembered the old Chinese movie she watched with her Grandpa, Shaolin Popey. He was so cute with a fat body, bald head, and a round face. He looks similar to the child actor who often wears round black sunglasses.

Old Leo immediately greeted and invited them both into the VIP room, which is usually used by the members of 'Play Hard & Eat Hard.'

Back in college, almost every day, they stopped by this restaurant. Because all the dishes at this restaurant tasted so good. So far, they had never found a Chinese restaurant that could match Lamian Palace. Although the taste is good, the price is low. Because at first, Old Leo targeted X University students as customers.