A Hacker

Mel laughed when she saw Andrew's confused face. She explained to Andrew why she chose those two names.

It's because when she searched to name Andrew's AI personal assistant, she was suddenly craving to eat the famously delicious Kobe beef grill, at a Japanese restaurant in the central district. That's why she chose Kobe.

Then for the name Wolf because they first met at the Wolfgang Steak House restaurant. The restaurant holds a lot of memories for her and she really likes all the dishes in the restaurant. That's why, when she was thinking about the AI name, her mind came up with the name Wolf from the word Wolfgang.

"My Dear Wife, all the names you choose are not far from your favorite food, huh?" He was even more amazed by his wife's love of meat.

"Hahaha, you're right. My mind is always thinking about food." Mel was also amazed by herself... "So, what do you want your AI assistant to be called?"