Congratulations Hiro

Mel couldn't help but smile at Hiro's words. To be honest, deep in her heart, she still has some doubts. Is she ready to go public with her husband? 

Mel decided not to overthink it. She will assess the situation when it comes to it...

"Sam, you better prepare everything. Don't let our server freeze due to overload access by new users…." Imagining this country would be in an uproar after news of Andrew William already has a lover appeared on TV news or online media make her thrilled again. 

"Don't worry, Boss. We already anticipated that…."

"Boss, are you going to debut as the president of the MT Group?" Hiro suddenly remembered this matter.

Amy and Sam also wonder why their Boss never wants to appear in public as the company's sole owner. Their eyes are staring at her waiting for the answer.

Mel shook her head before saying, "Not now, Hiro. Maybe later, when the MT Group launches, I will appear in public as a Presiden MT Group."