I Will Kill You

"Lara, where did you get shot?" Mel asked Lara. Mel was grateful for giving Lara and Irina AI stickers to communicate with them through her AI Sticker. But she regretted not giving them the Smart Contact Lense. If only they had used SCL, they could have detected the sniper as soon as they arrived at this place.

Mel cursed in her heart. She was lower on her guard. She didn't realize that this meeting was an attempt on her life. And probably a suicide mission too. Someone tried to kill her. Damn it!! Mel determines to find out who has done it. But, before that, she needs to keep herself and her bodyguards safe.

"Lara... Do you hear me? Where did you get shot?" Mel asks again. She was worried something terrible would happen to Lara because she didn't reply after a minute.

"In the stomach. I think I'm a fine Young Lady..." Lara said softly.