Irina's Tracker Off

When she came out from her restroom,  she saw Irina all set and ready. She carries two guns. Mel smiles at her and gives her Smart Contact Lense, "Use this contact lens…." Mel said. And Irina followed her instruction to the detail. After that, Mel activated Irina SCL. 

Moments later…

Irina was shocked. Something magical is appearing in her eyes, "Young Lady, what is this?"

Mel is not wasting her time explaining to Irina. She just put a black object that looks like a cellphone in Irina's vest pocket. She saw Irina in the eyes before saying, "Make sure this thing is always here. Don't move it, even an inch…do you understand?" Irina nods.

"Good! Now, let's go." Mel said, then walked towards another door in the playroom.

Irina followed her. When the door opened, she saw a small room and a black sedan parked in the middle of the room.