A disaster on the way

Sometimes what we see isn't the whole picture. Sometimes the real picture is beyond any picture drawn over the papers of history. When two people's love is way too unconditional toward each other even a sad and painful ending becomes a happy blooming ending for them.

Y/n again looked at her reflection before giving a final touch of her makeup. She took a deep breath and heard a knock.

Jungkook- Ready?

Y/N- don't you think it's weird for us to join a mafia party, we are agents what if someone spots us ?

Jungkook- woah, the great agent 909 is worried. what happened ?[did suga hyung's letter really worked on her ? cause it's rare to see her worried and anxious]

Y/N-I'm not worried. It's just... leave it. but why are we even going there ?

Jungkook- I got information that The Bulletproof Gang will be also there, what if we get a chance to see any of them ?

At the same moment Solar and Luhan entered the room.

Y/n- What you are doing here ?

Solar - Chief asked us to join you both in party. What if we get hold on any of them ?

Jungkook chuckled.

Luhan - what are you laughing at ?

Jungkook put his hand around Luhan's shoulder.

Jungkook- for tonight forget that we are agents only than we get mix among the mafias. and luhan and solar, you two can't come with us.

Solar- Why though ?

Jungkook- Cause i'm saying and don't forget i'm senior in rank.

Luhan- but we only listen to chief.

Jungkook smiled and Luhan's phone ringed.

Luhan- Yes chief we are with them. WHAT? but why? ok, as you say.

Luhan looked at Jungkook with rage in eyes while he just smiled and he left the room angrily. And Solar followed him behind knowing the reason of his anger.

Y/n- What did you do to make chief agree ?

Jungkook- You don't need to know everything[ wink] so my lady, let's go

Y/n just shook her head at his flirty behaviour and walked toward the car.


Suga checked the security system one last time before calling the system ok.

Jin- Yoongi- ahh,

Suga- what ? I told you not to call me that.

Jin smiled and continued talking but this time he was serious.

Jin- Jungkook is bringing that agent with him

Suga- I know.

Jin- And you also know what else to do. we can't risk anything when those two are out.

Suga- That's why i have planned a suprise for ISK tonight. [smirk] ISK gonna lose it's pride tonight