
Taehyung walked inside the room and saw her lying on the bed like a dead. His heart clenched looking at he state. He walked toward her and sit near her and cherished her hair softly making sue not to hurt her.

This feeling of protecting someone, securing someone with his own life was something he never felt. It was like a cocoon to him. Which needed to be protected at anycost for the best silk to be produced. He smiled a little looking at her. He remembered the first day he met her, and a chuckle left from his lips .

Taehyung- y/n ahh, you don't know what I am feeling right now. I know after waking up it will be a new start for you and I want you ti make me a part of that start. i have met a lot of women in my life, I have been touched by a lot of women but no one ever felt like you did. Why you have such effect on me ? Why it feels like I found a missing part of my soul after waiting for so long ? Why you seem so familiar and warm to me ?

His questions were unanswered. There was no one who could tell why he felt like this ? how can't feel this familiarity when it was her from the very first whom he loved unconditionally ? How can't he feel complete when their parting was something that can even melt a stone heart >