even if you want


All mafias in the party were shocked to see Taehyung kissing someone in the middle of the dancing. They took a good look and all were shocked to see who it was.

Mafia from US- Isn't this Shadow with whom Kth attended the grand ball. She is also the second most powerful in the gang.

Mafia from Mexico- I agree. remember how she won every single casino game and took over those 5 gangs in one night.

Mafia from UAE- she is so majestic from the very first and as far i know she also gave birth to Kim Taehoo but she went in coma so Kth married Tzuyu.

Mafia from china- Yeah, i think she is back now. I think bulletproof will become more powerful . she was always a good one to work with. Like once i heard she saved her enemies daughter and wife and that gave her a big name.

i just want to kill this Y/n. She is so popular in the underworld and now she attracted all attention. I won't leave you Y/N. taehyung, taehoo and the tittle Mrs Kim Taehyung is mine. Tonight will be your last night in the world.


I saw that everyone was shocked to see that he kissed someone but as all saw my face they knew what was happening. Till the day i went to coma , for everyone i was the bearer of Kim Taehyung's son. But that girl played it well. I got down from the stage and looked at around and saw Jungkook was telling Taehoo something. I went there and they looked at me.

Jungkook- you are looking pretty

Y/n- you too. hey baby panda..

Taehoo was looking at me as if i am some type of ghost..

Taehoo- are you really my mom ?

My eyes widen what he asked me, i looked at Jungkook, he had same expression as me.

Y/n- w-what a-are you saying ?

Taehoo- yes or no ?

This had to happen one day then why not today.

Y/n- yeah. I am your mother.

Taehoo- so you are the one for whom dadda always used to cry at night .. you are the lady because of whom my mamma and dadda never stayed in the same room and dadda always avoids mamma.

I was shocked to hear those from his mouth. so my thinking was right from the first. Tae never betrayed me, it was all because of Taehoo from the first.

Taehoo- why did you come back after 4 years ?

Jungkook- Taehoo

Taehoo- who asked you to come ? Everything was perfect. i was living happily with mamma and dadda. you left us for someone else and now back for my dadda'd money .. Mamma told me everything..

I looked at Tzuyu who was smirking at me. If she thought that she can hurt me like this then she is wrong. I looked at Suga who was standing behind the wall. I nodded at him.. Tzuyu, you messed up with wrong. You thought my weakness is my son but you are wrong. i

Y/n- Maybe i am your mom but you are not my son.

He looked at me with angry eyes. i bend down on his level.

Y/n- listen Kim Taehoo, you don't know anything , and you are too young to understand these things.. So it's better if you just focus on your upcoming life.

Taehoo- i am heir of this empire. So, i can do anything i want.

Y/n- Who said you are the heir of this empire ?

Taehoo- mamma.

Y/n- then listen boy, i am the owner of this empire and i can't give this to someone who doesn't even know how to respect his own mom. and you want to hear everything right. Then listen, i was on dead bed while giving birth to you. your father left me behind after marrying your mamma for you, he never even asked jungkook if i am alive. i risked my life to bring you in this world. I risked my life to save your dad's life. while being pregnant i worked hard to make sure i could give you every single thing you need when your father was away for 7 months. And You are saying i messed up your life, listen boy, i never dreamt you to become like this. Arrogant at such young age. I am sure your father would never give you this type of teaching and i know it well who did this.

Taehoo was looking down in guilt because he knew he was wrong to tell me those kinds of stuff

Jungkook- y/n ahh, it's enough. He is a kid.

Y/n- so what ? if he is a kid he should behave like one not like total spoiled kid. What will he do in future ? People don't like an arrogant leader. Listen Taehoo, i am your mother and there is no way i wll want your bad.. like it or hate it, you are a bad boy
