
After grasping an initial mastery of Dream Sense, Leonel realized just how much freedom he had in this regard. 

While he could diverge his senses by separating his mind, if he instead chose to layer and concentrate his senses instead, he could cause a convergent response instead. 

In the end, this meant that Leonel was suddenly capable of both dulling and magnifying his senses by several times, all of which was limited by the number of Dream Clones he could form. 

On the surface, this wasn't very important, but the applications Leonel could think of were practically endless. 

For one, if Leonel had the ability to dull his pain in this fashion, he wouldn't have struggled nearly as much to open the Ninth Door of his Metal Synergy Lineage Factor. By extension, if Leonel applied his higher pain threshold to other training methods, he could force his body to withstand much more than it previously could.