Fawkes Family

Leonel's voice came out with an undeniable edge to it. 

Those glasses, with his skill as a Force Crafter, he could easily see through their abilities. Even if this young man wasn't necessarily using it in a perverted manner, Leonel had no intention on relying on his 'good nature'. 

The young man slowly placed his glasses down on the table before them, wiping away the small shards of glass that hadn't managed to pierce his skin. Judging by his expression, one would have never guessed that he had just been humiliated. 

His treasure could indeed see through more than what the human eye was capable of. As for whether he was truly planning on using his glasses like this, maybe only he was aware of the answer to that. 

The young man looked up from his broken glasses to Leonel, his gaze remaining even. Leonel matched his gaze, not a hint of remorse in his eyes.