Connecting the Ocean and the Sky

The Royal Blue Basin was a complete mess. Many of the cruisers were nothing more than scraps of metal, the lives and deaths of several were either unknown or never had a chance at the former, while those who survived were beaten and bloodied, finding it difficult even to breathe properly. 

This wave was far worse than the previous ones and even now was still raging on. There had been a slight moment of reprieve when the koi fish released its dense ball of energy. But, after Vice appeared and that world was cut off from the Invalids, they had once again charged back toward the coast and the raining waters. 

The only good news was that the heavy and dense clouds above were beginning to slowly disperse and the rain was weakening. Like this, they could be certain that this was the last wave. They just had to survive this… Just this… 


"… I'd rather be running suicides."