Any Time

Leonel knew the underlying problem here.

Spirituals had a far different concept of time than humans did as they lived over a hundred times longer. Raj didn't bother to try very hard to convince Yuri of anything in one part due to his own pride and personality, and another part due to the fact he didn't think she was trying very hard at all.

A year was already far too long, let alone a decade. To Raj, this ship had already sailed and had been over for a long time already, and it was only made worse by the last word Yuri had left him with after their last fight.

But this was another problem. Spirituals, especially Spiritual couples, could read intentions past their own words. Yuri could also read past Raj's intent and see into his soul. So, she had never really been all that enraged, she was just being stubborn. But when Raj made no attempt, she thought that he wasn't trying hard enough so she wanted him to try more.