
Sergeant Moe held up a hand, his gaze boiling with fire. 

In the desolate wasteland they stood in, it looked as though their armies were completely unorganized. In the eyes of anyone observing the situation, it would look as though they were still preparing to arrange themselves, but the reality was that they were in a perfect position. At his signal, the troops and battalions in the distance would be able to do an about-face in the shortest time, turning and rushing to complete a full force attack on their two chosen points in an instant. 

According to the plan, the Slayer Legion would find themselves divided, defending several points, when in reality they were concentrated in just two. They would be able to deal them a swift blow. 

As for a potential pincer, Sergeant Moe was perfectly prepared for this. What use would there be in a pincer if their annihilation speed was even faster—


The ground before them exploded.