Dream Clone

Leonel stared at the Force Art for a long while, but the longer he looked, the more complex and winding the secrets seemed to become. 

The end result was ultimately obvious. If this was a Lineage Factor the Demoness was willing to put so much effort into creating, how could it be a simple matter? 

There were many oddities about the Demoness that Leonel had never really never understood, and even the simplest portions of the story were hard to wrap his head around. 

For one, his father and everyone else he interacted with seemed to be quite certain that this demon was his grandmother, but he didn't even understand how that could be possible. 

Setting aside the oddity that such a powerful woman would have to bed a man from an Incomplete World just to fulfill some ingenious plot that spanned countless millennia, how had she even gotten there to begin with?