

The violent upsurge of Leonel's aura threatened to blow everything around him apart. 

His blood continued to trickle down his body, but in the chaos, it might as well have not been there at all. 

His body was instead in perfect harmony with the world. 

Creation so powerful it cycled into Destruction and Destruction so great it formed Creation. 

Destruction so powerful it allowed Creation and Creation so great it formed Destruction. 

A Creation that took more than it could give back and a Creation that rose from the ashes of Destruction. 

A Destruction so gentle it allowed for rebirth and a Destruction that capitalized on the greed of the sin of too much… 

The differences between the two were incredibly subtle, and yet in Leonel's mind, the distinction was clear. 

A gentle Destruction and a Creation that rose from the ashes… 


An overbearing Creation and a sinful Destruction… 
