The scent hung heavily in the air, tinting what should have otherwise been a clear atmosphere crimson.
Aina walked slowly through a plain that didn't seem very special. It was flat, mostly barren of life, and it didn't have the slightest bit of character to it…
Aside from the large castle right in the middle of it all.
Aina's approach couldn't have been more silent, but it also didn't look like she was trying to hide her presence at all.
She was alone, accompanied by nothing more than the ax on her back and the leather armor on her body.
Her eyes were so emotionless that they were practically dull. They would have been had it not been for the resplendence of their golden hue.
But her brows remained flat, her lips gently pressed together, her neck proudly straightened, drawing a line right from the back of her head to her planted feet.