
Leonel's wrist trembled.

He had to admit, this was the greatest strength he had come across since his battle with his grandfather.

It was cute.



A hole was blasted through Xor'Thar's chest.

The Pluto was sent flying backward with such speed he vanished over the horizon in less than a blink.

Leonel's hair danced in the wind, his King's robes flapping as though they had a mind of their own.

"If you came here today and fail to treat me as an equal, you, and everyone you've brought with you, will die.

"If you came here today to treat me as an equal… you and everyone you've brought with you will die.

"Only if you came here ready to place your life on the line, and scratch and claw for every advantage you gain, might you have a chance at touching the hems of my robes."

Leonel's voice boomed across the battlefield.