The Demoness looked down at the crystal in her hand. It was so large, it made her eyes narrow. But the slight tremble that came from it was what made her pupils constrict.
Her Dream Force pressed down, suppressing the changes.
High in the skies, the Constellation and Stars of Leonel's making began to fade, as did the Idol. It was impossible for it to continue to manifest itself like this, not when Leonel was sealed off from the world.
As great as his body was, what good was it when there was nothing left?
It was true that she could have ended this battle whenever she wanted. But she really hadn't wanted to tap into this strength too early.
Unfortunately, this grandson of hers… he improved too quickly. If she allowed him the chance to continue keeping it close and rapidly rising, he might leach off her trillions of years of training and catch her off guard before she realized it.