It's Official

"Why are you smiling? I thought you hated me." Brayden Maxwell looked at Meredith with interest still with a slight smile on his face. He had gotten what he wanted. He had managed to get Meredith to agree to marry him til death do they part and all that went along with that. His smile was obvious, hers he didn't understand.

"Oh. Well mostly I'm smiling for my parents. I was devastated to find out what's going on and while it's still upsetting at least I can help in some way or another. If marrying you saves them, then there is a little ray of light in this death contract. I wouldn't have been able to help at all otherwise." She responded after thinking about it. "And I don't hate you. I don't know you beyond your bullying me into marrying you. I definitely don't like you, but if you hold up your end of the deal and help my parents then I can at least try to tolerate you."

"Thanks." Brayden mumbled and stood up. "Do you want your lawyer present for the signing?"