The Interview

"You're late," the David told her. "Sit down." Meredith glanced into the corner office, along the side wall closest to her was floor to ceiling black shelves full of books and a few shelves had room for awards and framed event photos. Against the back wall she noticed as she walked across the room was a large framed abstract painting in bold colors and below it was a dry bar with an assortment of liquor bottles and glasses.

The other two walls were floor to ceiling windows looking out over the financial district of Chicago. There were potted plants in each corner, two modern grey armchairs sat in front of a large black desk with a iMac and and mouse to the left and a macbook pro in the center of the desk with a small stack of papers to the right. The David sat in a black leather chair as he frantically typed something on his macbook pro.

Meredith looked around the room and cautiously crossed it to the Davids desk. Shemsat down in one of the grey chairs in front of his desk and waited patiently until he clicked a few things and closed his laptop sliding it to the side and replacing it with the small stack of papers.

"Let's see here." He said and clicked a few things which she couldn't really see due to the angle of his iMac. "Meredith Gretchen Glenn, age twenty-four, graduated with honors from University of Chicago, bachelors in graphic design with an associates in modern art. It says here you have been in our art department the Graphic Design Apparel division for just over a year now." He paused.

"Yes, sir, that is correct." She responded because she thought he was asking for her to clarify. He wasn't, which was evident in his glare at her. He looked like he was going to roll his eyes but he just ignored her and looked back at his computer. He then continued to click a few things and looked back towards her.

"You also worked as a sales clerk for Macy's and enjoy riding your bike for both recreation and sport. Do you compete?"

"Rarely and not at a high level. Just for fun." She found it odd that he had all this information on her already. She didn't remember any of this being submitted in the original interview and it definitely wasn't in her resume.

"Would you say you enjoy your job?" He asked her seriously. He really was interviewing her like he said he would. She still had no idea what this was all about but he was her boss, or her boss's boss's boss. Something like that. So she complied.

"For the most part, yes." She answered honestly.

"How about the other parts?" He raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.

"How do you mean sir?" She thought maybe he was trying to set her up to say something she didn't mean. He may be the sexiest man alive but she needed to beware. He might also be the sneakiest man alive for all she knew.

"You said 'for the most part, yes' what about the parts that are 'no'?"

"Well…" She thought about it. She still wasn't sure what this meeting was for exactly. Maybe it was her yearly review. Although she didn't think the David's took notice of those. Whatever the purpose was she would do her best to succeed his expectations. She had to make sure she didn't fall into any traps and got out of this whole ordeal alive.

She thought about the question and answered. "I just finished a huge project and I really enjoyed working on it, however due to the deadline and the pressure riding on the outcome it was very exhausting so I am rather glad to be done with it. I wouldn't mind working on another similar project but I don't think I would be able to do them back to back continuously."

"I see." He looked at his computer, clicked some things, then looked at her again. "I have nothing but excellent remarks from your peers and manager, however you are frequently late to work. Hence running into my driver on more than one account."

"I did apologize to Sean and he seemed…" She was trying to think of the word. She knew he was going to bring it up again. He seemed really stuck on her running into his driver.

"He seemed what, Ms. Glenn?"

"He seemed to be okay and not upset rather…"

"Yes, I'm sure." He muttered interrupting her. He didn't seem to like her response. "Seeing as you were late to this meeting I do have to leave it unfinished. I have other things to address now and will not have the time to continue your interview right now. As that may be, we are not finished. You will meet Sean downstairs at 5:45 p.m. Do try to be more punctual this time Ms. Glenn."

"Oh?" It was Friday and she was exhausted from working on her project for two week s straight. Here this David spontaneously decided to interview her. At least that's how she viewed it. And now he wanted her to finish the interview after hours. What more was there to say. He already seemed to have all her information on his computer.

"You can see your way out the way you came in. I have an important meeting to attend on the fortieth floor. I apologize I cannot see you out." He grabbed his jacket from a hook behind the door and headed out leaving her in his office alone.

He didn't seem to care if she snooped at his papers or what was on his screen? He just left her in his personal space alone. Or perhaps it was a test. She knew he was sneaky. She wasn't going to get fired and she wasn't falling for his obvious test so she simply got up and headed back out the way she had come.

When she returned to her floor Mr. Hubert had called her into his office immediately. He seemed extremely excited about something and quickly pulled out his mustache comb.

"Yes, Mr. Hubert?" She said as she walked into his office.

"How did your meeting go?" He grinned up at her. She wasn't sure what this meeting was all about and she wondered if maybe Mr. Hubert knew or if he was just assuming things. He liked to assume a lot of things and was usually wrong. Like the time he thought Karen was pregnant and she was just bloated after eating too much dairy.

"Okay. It was cut short but I think it went well." Meredith responded cautiously.

"Good maybe we will get another project out of this." He smiled mostly to himself. "You and Karen can have the rest of the day off. You deserve it. Make sure you're here bright and early on Monday ready to tackle the apparel again. You guys had a fun break but it's back to the grind come next week."

"Yes sir."

"Have a good weekend Meredith."

"Yes, Mr. Hubert. You too." She said and left his office.

She didn't know what to do with herself for nearly four hours. She put away the portfolio she had dropped off at her desk earlier in her rush. Then she gathered her things and decided to go to Barnes and Nobles to see what books they had on origami and maybe get a coffee and muffin at their cafe while she waited for 5:45 p.m. to come around.