[Bonus chapter]Shopping

Meredith turned to Brayden after their lunch guests had left. She had a stern look on her face and meant business. She was so frustrated with herself for having allowed Brayden to come ruin her lunch with Ben. She should have known better. Since she had met Brayden he had done nothing but ruin her life every chance he got. How could she have thought that he would actually let her have a friend out of any of this? She was now his possession and there was no way he was going to let another man have any part of her life even as a friend. She sighed in a harsh huff before confronting him.

"You set me up." She said to Brayden accusingly and highly annoyed. She was trying to keep her composure particularly because they were on a busy sidewalk with people passing by on all sides. As angry as she was at him she also did not want to draw unnecessary attention to herself. She knew that would only make things worse, especially if someone were to recognize Brayden.