Be Yourself

Meredith didn't understand Brayden's looks nor what he was sighing about. She assumed he must not be pleased with her frame of mind. She figured she had to play the role all the time like some actors do when they're doing a movie, never coming out of character. But that would mean true death to herself. If she was always playing a role and this role never ended, when could she be able to be herself? She knew she couldn't live like that and no matter what Brayden held over her head in order to get her to say 'I do' didn't matter if she was going to be forced into insanity. 

Brayden did tell her she could tell one person the truth but she didn't want that to be her friends or family. She didn't want to burden them with her secret. She needed someone to unload all this on. But not someone to give this burden to. She needed someone to help her see perspective and not go insane playing the same role all the time for the rest of her life.