Edward Maxwell

"Come closer." Edward got up and walked toward the bar. "Would you like a drink?"

"Um...Oh, no thank you." Meredith blinked and took a few steps into the room still feeling as though one wrong move and he would sink his teeth into her throat. She unconsciously looked around the room as though assessing the danger and ways out.

Edward poured a glass of some amber colored liquor. Meredith wasn't sure what it was. He walked slowly to her as he eyed her up and down and walked behind her. She didn't dare move and stood still as he stood behind her inches from her. He leaned in with his mouth close to neck. She was sure he was going to bite her. Something about him seemed so predatory.

"Have a seat." He said lowly into her ear, his lips nearly brushing against her ear. He then pulled away and walked around the other side of his desk and sat at his desk. Meredith felt like he was stalking his prey as he had just made a full circle around her before sitting back down.