Wrapped Up

Meredith woke up on a cold hard floor. She blinked her eyes into focus as she sat up. She looked around and saw that she was in a large ballroom. The floor was in a black and white swirl pattern that seemed to meet just beneath where she was sitting. Meredith twisted and turned slowly in a sleepy haze trying to understand where she was.

She was alone in a fairly empty room. The only thing she could see that was in the room was a small glass table a few feet away from where she sat. Slowly she lifted herself up off the floor and stood in the center of the room as she turned around twisting again as though from this angle she might be able to locate someone or some sort of clue. It was useless. All was the same as before.

Meredith looked down and saw that she was wearing the red dress that Edward had sent her. She felt the cold floor against her bare feet as a chill ran up her spine.