Brayden had laid his claim clear before the night began. Meredith didn't look at him or even acknowledge that he had said anything at all. She was ready for the night. She had ran for hours earlier that morning and although her muscles were starting to scream a bit at her despite her post stretches and recovery drink, she was ready.

Brayden's claim would make her job easier. If he was so possessive it showed that he was into her enough to actually possibly marry her for love. If not love, infatuation at the least. Convincing the employees of Maxwell Sharpe that Brayden was possibly love struck wouldn't be the issue.

The problem would be convincing them that she was in love with him. There were more reasons for her to marry him and benefit. Meredith was right, Brayden could have his pick of any woman. If it was simply to step up the ladder anyone would do.