
Meredith was called back into the small office on the twenty-second floor and took a seat on the little comfy sofa in the room full of neutrals. She felt a rush of things bubbling underneath the surface just waiting to burst out.

She had been thinking of all the things she wanted to bring up, what she wanted to ask, and those things led to more which led to more until her mind was left holding far too many things at once. By the time she sat down on that sofa her mind held so many things at once that it wasn't possible to start with one and set it down without the rest of them tumbling out as well.

This left Meredith apprehensive and unsure of where or how to start. When she had gotten onto the elevator in her condo building it had seemed so simple. She knew exactly what she would say to Dr. Hershman and how she would say it. She even thought she knew what the responses would be.