What's Wrong

Meredith had been quietly thinking of what ifs and what nots and how things would have been if not for the Death Contract. Would her and Brayden's have crossed paths? Yes. But what would have come of it? She was in deep thought trying to think of who he really was a bully or…

"What are you thinking?" Brayden interrupted Meredith's inner thoughts as she stared out the window of the restaurant at the Swiss Alps. Meredith slowly turned to look at Brayden. She stared into eyes for a moment.

"What if you never bullied me, what if we actually dated like normal people," Meredith said solemnly. She wasn't asking him to answer the question she was simply answering him. "Would we have actually loved or even liked each other…" Her voice trailed off at the end as she turned her focus slowly back out the window.