
Brayden woke up on Tuesday and followed his routine exactly. He washed and dressed and combed his hair. He stared in the mirror and decided to keep the short beard that was forming. He sighed and met Sean down at the car and was handed a coffee and a croissant. 

As he was on his way to work he got a call and when he looked at the screen it read Lucian Hawthorne. That was unexpected, he thought and he answered the call.

"Hello Luc…" Brayden greeted and was curious as to what his old roommate was calling for after so many years of no contact. It had been years since he had heard from or even of Lucian Hawthorne and it was very random that he would call.

Considering how crazy Brayden's life had been in the past couple of weeks or even the past month he wasn't easily surprised by things anymore. 

"Hey B! How's it going my man?" Lucian said energetically on the other end of the phone.

"What do you want Luc…"