Wake Up

Meredith spent the whole night in the chair by Brayden's bed. They had told her to get some sleep but she couldn't. She was so worried about Brayden. Was she really the cause of his dehydration, deficiencies, and dark circles, not to mention his loss of weight?

She hoped not but she had never seen him like that before. He had shaved off his beard for Easter but it had quickly returned as stubble and was beginning to grow into a short beard again. Meredith sighed and stroked his cheek lightly, feeling the soft beard underneath her finger. Well somehow he was taking care of his beard, she thought.

Meredith refused to get up even for food. Jacob had brought a change of clothes for them both and dinner for them as well. Brayden hadn't woken up so Meredith put his Italian beef sandwich in the small refrigerator.