Death Contract

"No secrets, Mere." Taylor was looking Meredith up and down and her outfit. She knew Meredith had kept her 'billionaire wardrobe' at Brayden's for whatever reason but was now suddenly wearing them.

"I can't wear them?" Meredith tried to feign ignorance to no avail. Taylor just gave her a look and Alyssa was still confused.

"Isn't Brayden your husband?" Alyssa asked, having never met him but heard stories. "I don't understand. Do you have separate homes?"

"Yes. Sort of." Meredith responded and Taylor raised an eyebrow as the server dropped off more drinks. "We separated."

"What!" Alyssa gasped while Taylor casually picked up her drink and waited for Meredith to get to the part she was interested in; why Meredith was wearing clothes that were at Brayden's.