What in Tarnation?

Lanse's voice carried clearly through the crackling of the fire as he delved deeper into the story. "The girl yelled out, trying to stop them from leaving. When they turned to see her, she stood in the corner holding Samie-sey's headphones. As she peered over the edge of the roof, she spotted his chip bag on the ground. After some discussion, the six of them decided to jump down there."

Troopers wore special boots designed with rubber in their soles for safe jumping. Tess chuckled, recalling the time she was sent home from buying a pair. The Academy claimed that only Mid-Sentry troopers and officials were allowed to wear them, which she found utterly ridiculous. If she was going to become a trooper after graduation, why not practice wearing them from an early stage?

"On ground level, the darkness deepened due to the fog and the artificial heights of buildings from the city blocking out the sunlight," Lanse continued. "An eerie feeling permeated the empty alleyways."