Battle plan Part2

Tess waited for the guy with black hair to pass her. She saw his back before saying with a smile, "Great, you're here. I didn't mean to start without you but we couldn't wait any longer."

Lanse sat decently with both hands before him on a desk. "No need to apologize, I'm sorry for being late," he told her before he began to read the notes from the hologram screen like a good student. 

He pretended he didn't notice their stares on him. They didn't need him to tell them his scars had faded even more as it was that obvious. He looked like a different person and his polite words convinced them it was so. 

"These notes, they're only about the Elite's abilities," he said. 

After hearing his words they blinked several times before looking away. 

Zack rubbed the back of his head and said, "We're a bit stuck."