Living weapon

"Walch!" one of the MS off screamed the name of their comrade. 

It was the man with the angry mustache who had dropped to his knees, foaming at the mouth. Several more rips sounded from every seam on his jacket being stretched from his swelling body. He began to fidget all over and hairs drifted off his head to the ground. 

The black device that had electrocuted him remained on the ground and the glass tube inside that was filled with purple liquid was empty. It all got injected through his hand. 

There was some foul play taking place and the MS officials had seen enough. They held their swords before them and took only a few steps. Sheena's drones revealed the laser weapons built into their hands and aimed them at the officials. In no time red dots of light pointed to the same locations on each of the MS off's heads, the center between the eyes.