Lower life form Part2

Zino couldn't understand why Tess was so upset about letting the MS offs escape.

"Mid-Sentry officials are protectors certified by law," she told Tess. " They're heroes, the good guys. They just got to that Sybervirian thing before we did but couldn't stop it nor Sheena."

Zino's statement caused both Tess and Lanse to stare at her. They both knew that was far from what was actually taking place. 

Tess wanted to yell at her. How could Zino be so blind! The MS offs were using global curfew to cover up their illegal acts. 

Her mind went back to the little boy. Where was he? All her anger melted away as she began to look around, but she remembered Lanse. 

"What about the abductees?" she asked him. "We can't just leave them out here. It's past global curfew, we need to get them to a shelter."

Zino nodded in agreement with Tess's compassionate words.