Meeting the old dogs again

Tess attempted to rank the Sybervirian she sighted in a hallway near the cafeteria. It was nothing compared to the beast from Lanse's campfire story. It was roughly six feet tall and two feet wide--a young Sybervirian that mutated from a student no doubt. 

It didn't give her the hope that they would end the mission early to have enough time with Jeremy. Those kinds were fast, and Death-balls didn't work well against them. 

She didn't allow her vision to come back to her as she already knew her way to the cafeteria. "I found it," she said with one blink. "It's by the cafeteria and I think it's a six-by-two rank," were her last words before she rushed off in the direction. 

Tess led the way for her teammates but had to stop. The hallway ahead was blocked off by several rolled-down grille shutters.