[BONUS] Iced Coffee

They made it to the training room and Sensei was already there. He must have already heard the good news about their sparks from the elders. What evil plans did he have for them since they got even more deathless?

"Good morning, cadets."

The five teenagers formed a line in front of him and replied with a sharp bark. "Morning Sensei!"

He gave an affirmative nod. "Today you'll only be doing warm up. Afterwards, get dressed and ready to leave by cargo jet for a surprise."

When the five teens didn't show any change in their stony expressions, he expounded.

"I know your living quarters are almost out of food. I've decided to use the opportunity to treat you with a shopping spree. You'll be spending the rest of the day at GeoSaun's largest shopping center to restack three months' worth of food." He moved one hand from his back and held out a golden chip. "It's on a budget of course, and I know you're responsible enough to spend wisely."