Chap 180: Slim and delicate

Sensei shrank the screen he used to spy on his star student, to see the other four cadets. 

His energy blasting cadet was alone on the high peak. He was getting better at shooting energy at the flock of android birds he sent for him. 

His cadet with aura sensing could glow her sword under intense focus. But she was nowhere near the level as her team leader. Her aura sensing always worked in her separate confinement, but he had yet to figure out the reason. 

The speedster could increase her speed. However, her one-step teleportation was still not intentional. Worse, he only got her to channel energy down her sword once during her specialized training. 

He sighed and expanded the hologram showing his unruly cadet in the yellow fields. His left eye twitched and he leaned closer. Why was she so relaxed? None of her limbs were missing. Worse, she couldn't be trying to create her dark energy force shield by laying on the ground. He needed to fix that.