Chap 219: Out of the cage PART2 (sect. 24)

Tess had lied to Lanse and Szedra about glimpsing another Sybervirian. She ran off and found the four-story building with the metal cabin the drunk MS official went into. With one leap she landed on the concrete roof. 

The large crack below her feet was a reminder of what she was capable of. She counted to ten, telling herself the MS offs in the cabin may not be responsible for the sewer bomb. However, the creepy deep voice in her head told her they were. 

Lanse and Szedra had the young but swift Sybervirian to handle. Lanse whipped energy waves at the Sybervirian. But the Sybervirian missed his attacks that continued through the air to destroy a light post and grilles on a building. Szedra scolded him to be careful and not destroy the place. But Lanse suggested she focus on sending better attacks than glowing swords.