Days Luck

Thoughts ran wild. To me indicisiveness was an old song. I wanted to stay but I also didn't want to. Honestly even I,myself can't understand my inner voice. I got much more befuddled with Rouse's actions.I hated the fact that he had such a big impact on my life. Especially in the moment I acted tipsy once he got close. This time I got to hear his voice.

Finally I gave him a chance to speak. Though his first intention was to converse with Maya. Who knows about what? Even in the best efforts to eavesdrop was proven difficult. All I know was that an awkward situation bloomed in mid air. Beginning from Maya's facial expressions down to the serious Rouse. To raise more questions in my meddling habit she came back with a different aura.

She came back as her timid self(similar personality I picked up from the first day I met her.) Whatever Rouse said silenced her for a while. I was too scared to ask the query. This despite how it it he'd me just to know what went out. She gave a solemn smile and walked to class. Basically she left me in dust. That was the end of that period,the next phase of my day only got worse.

Beginning with the disrespect from the football jock.To the eyed Crudentia. I could only expect worse to happen. As if Cole would leave his previous statement unfinished."You look different,Did you just woke up this morning and saw how make-up did you no justice?" This was the carefully constructed sentence made to indirectly call me ugly.

If anyone would dare to test my madness,the person would be named Cole. His boldness was shone around people.But in the case scenario that faithful day,we found ourselves alone.Not even his minion(Paul) was around.My first instinct was to ignore him but that backfired on me.Meerly a minute and he was looking for a beef with me. I turned face front to the direction I headed to. Egotistic enough not to show his success in anoying me.

A disgrace unwillingly brought to myself. My head fling up above.My eyes closed as I snickered in silence as I walked passed him. Designed specifically to remind him that I was Day not a young teacher in her first try in teacher. The jock had guts higher than Everest to trip me. A disgrace unwillingly brought to myself. Great! I was covered in dust.Shaking it off made it worse I did manage but now I smelt dusty and my outfit was stained.

He didn't help out. He was a professional at making me miserable. So he squared near my face and played with my hair. He might have at any loss of words. Or saying less stung more than sharp words. I watched him walk away in disbelief. What did I do to him to deserve this. My brain would remain restless if I didn't pay him back. He did choose the game.In fact he did play it. It was my turn to join him.

My biggest concern was how In the world .I had no choice. I was really going to walk around the school cosplaying the city hobo. Yet again,I got reminded that this was highschool. Come to think of it I had it easy the first ,the second time overturned the tables. Eyes stubbed , shot me and killed me inside. Ears couldn't help but hear the whispers. As a result anxiety shit up the reader by a hundred percent. I was making my way to the principle.

I had enough of the unlucky Wednesday. Suddenly ,I started missing the comfort of my home. Far from his office. His face explained everything.Need I give explaination to him. Clearly this wasn't my day in any sought of way. I appreciated his enthusiastic nature that had a complex mix of professional in it. He balanced both so that any encounter would give him mad respect in addition to a friendly side.

By now Crudentia had already sold me out to him. I was in it for a pre - dubbed session of lecturing. Never would I repeat that. Especially after ,I was enable to shake the feeling of being chocked. The feel came uneasy to my poor soul. He really echoed Crudentia's word. I dangle on the line of getting laid off any time .

(Sigh) Bring me to a land of make believe.Miles away from reality. Seems that my humiliation wasn't delivered to satisfaction of the world. I just recalled the means I used to get to the school. A lady can only handle a certain serving of bad luck in order to break down. No!No...No ,I will not walk or wait for a cab in the open civilization. Believe me, I called everyone I knew would be near my location. None were willing.Some were either busy whilst others were far away to reach me.

Brought me to my last resort. The women's bathroom as I waited for Park. Some tunes helped me cool down as I waited for him. Who knew that a twenty minute wait would seem like an eternity. The plan was to sneak out behind the school walls.Where I ensured no student would see me in this state. I had steps and rushed out in a lowered tone yelling "Park,keys,go"

"Park? Whose Park? Day?" I face to see who I bumped into. You must be kidding me. Can't be possibly happening again.