A friend of a friend introduced me to you but I am not your friend

As soon as I opened the rooms door and the unique air blew to my face.I was the teacher in detention today.

"Hello Day"

I hated the fact of being in detention. Just me and him.One on one ,eye to eye,he breathes my air and I breathe his.It's not like we had any other choice. Although this would have been acceptable if I wasn't trying to hide from him.Not that I despised him.No,believe me.Its because he was trouble.

Anyway .His presence shown a new light. I was right all along.Why did Crudentia spread a false accusation to the whole school? What was even the goal if he was to land in here regardless?

I taught that I'll be stuck alone with him.In fact I prepared for long seconds and longer milliseconds .A turtle neck speed of time is what I mean.

I was at the urge of breathing a loud sigh the she came in .In form of hero. I was happy but Renée wasn't. Only when Maya entered did his foolish smirk rub off his face.

The shocking part was that she too took part in the horrendous joke.It said by Crudentia herself-Who accompanied her to me-that she confessed to the crime herself. Now truly speaking this might be The plan. Judging by his look.Clearly she played a different card.A card that foiled their whole operation.

He gave her the glare to kill.Like that look of disappointment a father gives. Maya sat in front of him .One desk space skipped between them to be exact. I thought wrong . This was going to be a long not to mention boring stay.

A time came when pages were heard.The bell just rang . It was three in the evening .The session was to end at five. No one can imagine that this was only seconds to detention. I had my magazine for company.Maya had her books.Similar to Rouse except that she didn't make pencil taps that drove me insane.

In comparison his noise was better than the whistling empty hallway. It was empty yet I could feel the cold breeze from a tiny space of the rooms door.Not to say I that close to the door.But I was near enough to feel the chills.I got used to it one way or another.Ignoring it might as well be the best thing I could do.Besides it's just a hallway (I say this remembering her)Or maybe it isn't just a hallway.

That was one sure way to keep me on my toes.The taught of her(me) I don't really know. She looked like me. Surely I can confirm that she wasn't me.

Now I was uneasy.I looked outside the tiny space of a translucent window on the door. Nothing out of the ordinary.Then why was it getting warmer.The breeze I mentioned earlier regardless wasn't felt. I turned another page of my magazine.

The warmth stayed for at least a full two minutes.I turn to another page of my magazine.Then I saw her getting up.

"Miss Day,Can I be dismissed?" I affirmanately nodded to Maya's request. We both watched her walk out. And I tell you, nothing compared to the north poles coolness of the hall.

I could finally breath safe heavens.

"What's bothering you?" I refered to Renée.His mind rushed out of proportion. I don't think he was in the real world.Ironic how he responded.


Me? Was he serious? Alright by me.Off course I shut down the conversation.Who knows what else was to come from his sweet-ish mouth.

He was smiling.Just smiling nothing else but just that.He scanned my face but I shied away rather rudely ignoring him. I took my magazine and covered my face.All he did was giggle. He came closer to me. I wasn't sure if this was an invented form of trying my patience.If so,They sadly succeeded.

Yes,I do mean they.Renee and whoever terrorized my mind in the hour. I looked normal but I certainly wasn't.Deep down it drove me crazy. A phychopathic haze I would say.Ask me.My most definite answer will be.'I simply don't know how I faked my sanity to the point where I showed teeth besides my hidden struggle"

For a while the voice whispered my name.No wonder I doubted Rouse for getting lost in his thoughts .Right now he was just ' himself'. Indeed 'himself' might be the word. I on the other hand watched and played along like a last minute actress on a broadway.He banged my desk.I assume to get my attention.He had in his hand some work I had to mark.Finally he asked to head out. And I did let him do so.

I breathed a heavy sigh.I can say that the air cleared out.Making me a tad egocentric with my space. Finally down to business.

"What do you want ? Who are you?Let me be.I beg"

Silence. Nothing but my footsteps.I snickered.It came back again.As if to tease me."Day" It whispered. I heard a screech.Turns out that was meerly a chair movement.

"Day!"...."Day?" She was confused and questioned herself.She had her fun.At long last the harassment stopped.

Footsteps roamed the corridor.I could join the choir right ; shout hallelujah.But tell you what .I couldn't be more screw loose than ever. Yet again he caught me off guard.I was tearing up. Renée's hugs helped a bit.

His heart beat synchronized with mine.Unfortunately,It had to come to an end. I can only hope Maya saw nothing. She walked to her sit took her books as a consequence packed them in her haversack. All we potentially did was watch. She never hesitated. I asked further confirming the time. She walked away from me.

Almost end of the days shine on us.I took the keys planning to leave.I cross checked every door including the last room. I left with a disturbance in my head. A letter stuck behind the classroom door.

"Hello,nice to meet you..again. I reckon that you don't even know who I am,do you.I give you a hint to try your luck at guessing.I am your ally. A friend of a friend introduced me to you but I am not your friend"