
There are nerves, the one we need for our body to function, and then there are NERVES, the one that creeps upon us at the most random of times.

I pull a strand of my long red hair, as I stare at the floor-to-ceiling mirror positioned a meter away from my bedroom door.

"It's not that bad, I still say wash and air dry. You should have listened the first time, now you almost out of time, it's a half hours drive and that's me being optimistic." Eddy is right, I should've listened, and I didn't. Hence why my hair currently looked like it was harassed by a horde of angry bees.

"We need a plan."

"Wash it, and we can drive with the car window open, let's hope it survives the trip."

"It's 30 minutes away."

He stands up and crosses his shirt-covered arms, as his eyebrow lifts, and his green gaze gives me his best 'big bro' look.

I lift my hands up, surrendering, "Fine, I'll get the towel, you get my jacket and bag. What time is your meeting with those fund guys?"

"Midday, I should be done in time to fetch you when you ready, just ring me up and we can stop by that burger place near the Library."

We head out of the apartment and rush to his car. I don't look at the concierge by the door giving me a puzzled look. I knew my hair was wet, and my outfit was not my normal Jean and t-shirt I've worn these passing years.

I put on the car's radio, and smile as Prisoner by Miley Cyrus place through the speakers. My body hums with anticipation and as I stare at the clear road I know my life is going to change in more ways than just one. I am stepping into a glimpse of my future today.

"You hair doesn't look all that bad, I'm liking the waves. Go knock 'em dead with your Malcolm's brain and make me proud. I'll pick you up later. Love you."

"Love you too."

I close my brother's car door and I look up at the 78-floor building. The Kanese sign is huge and the big screen showing the new innovation the company is now providing holds my attention as my body fills with a rush of excitement and nerves lots of nerves.

"What is it about this place, says the Old Grumpy." A man's voice says from next to me breaking my standstill.

He is tall, tanned, and happy judging by the half of his face I can see. I am tall but not that tall, he is an easy 6ft11 and my 5ft9 with the added 3-inch heel I am wearing makes me feel short. Which woman doesn't want to feel short standing next to a man? Certainly not me.

It's all i can see when I face him. His attention is currently on the same screen and I stand next to him watching it for a bit longer.

"I hear it's the coffee," I respond after a minute of comfortable silence.

He turns to face me and for a moment which feels like forever, I am taken back by the colour of his eyes. They are a deep RUSTIC set of blue, but not your normal blue eyes, ones you would see in contact lenses.

His face is amused as his hollow cheeks stretch into a dimpled smile and those said eyes get smaller.

White teeth perfectly aligned show as his full lips open. He is a familiar face but not so much that I can pinpoint when or where I have seen him. I wreck my brain trying to figure out where have I seen him? But for the life of me, I can't remember anything. Strange.

"Tiger got your tongue?" He asks and I open my eyes huge as I remember I am late for the premier. I mean to say something but I end up rushing toward the building.

I squeak as I almost bump into a lady leaving the building and chastise myself as I go through the glass door and head through the metal scanner, which can easily fit 5 people at a time.

The metal scanner blares catching more than enough attention that I didn't need on my first day here. Well technically it wasn't my first day, it was a pre-meet which I am currently late for. Sucks to be me right now.

Wow that guy's eyes, I wonder what I WOULD LOOK like with contacts like those.

"Lady, did you not read the sign? cell phones are to be left on this side." The security guard points to a black box, which I am assuming I should put my phone in. AAHH, I am going to be so late.

I slip my phone out of my bag as my face heats up with embarrassment.

"She's fine, she's with me," The man I met outside says, smiling when I send him a silent thank you and grabs the top part of my arm as I slip my phone back into my bag walking with him.

"Sorry sir, ma'am." The lady gives us no more attention as she goes back to assist the other people walking in.

"Which floor are you going to?" He queries as he lets me go, and straightens the sleeves of his suit jacket. He didn't hurt me, but his big hands around my arm now that I think about it was intrusive. How did I feel about it? I realize I feel alright with the complete stranger touching.

"I'm one of the interns so I am not really sure."

"I am, follow me."

I smile, "Lead the way, sir."

He laughs at my words and it is a really nice laugh. Deep and husky.

We head to the elevator and my knee-length black high-waist skirt suddenly doesn't seem like the best outfit.

The man opens a button of his suit jacket as he calls up the elevator. one of the reasons I wanted to work at the Kanese group was because they had the most sophisticated tech in America. There were rumors that the board were a group of tech funders but besides that, no one really actually knew who they were unless you worked for them. The one in the limelight was a woman, Ara Mae, she was beautiful as was smart and half the American population loved her. She was 26 years old, and had the body of a goddess. Born in Korea and raised in the states, she was the Epitome of the American dream.

Women all around the world loved her, and men wanted to marry her. I didn't know if she was even dating anyone. Her personal life was kept extremely quiet.

"You've grown quiet, I'm presuming it's the nerves?" The man says from behind me as we enter the elevator and he tells it, '34th Floor'

"I was thinking about Ara Mae."

"You mean Mae Ara? The Koreans like their surname before their name, something you should remember if you going to be working here."

"Where are you from? I can't place your accent?"

He smiles as he looks at me for a moment and my body heat rises, as I keep his otherworldly eyes hostage.

His nostrils flare for a moment, and he drops our contact, which is I find odd, considering he seemed like a man who exudes confidence.

"A medieval place, far from here. And you I am assuming is from Colorado?"

"Yes, that's me."

The elevator stops silently and opens, and he moves to the side, so I can move out. I step out and spin to face him, "I didn't get your name," I say.

His eyes are dead set on me, and he seems shocked for a moment, and I frown but keep my smile.

"I didn't offer it." The elevator door closes and he is gone with it and I stand here, thinking if I misread the situation but it seems like he was flirting with me, wasn't he?