
Ling observed the prince. The glint Seth's eyes when he asked that question did not escape the wizard's keen gaze. Ling wondered why the prince would want to know about the assassin's appearance. He couldn't even take a wild guess.

Ling just had to ask.

"Why? What do you want to do with that information, Prince Seth?" Ling asked with a little smirk on his lips and his brows furrowed still.

Seth laughed.

"What is it, wizard? What do you think? I just want to know how the assassin looked", Seth said.

Ling still didn't buy it. Something nagged at the back of his mind that Prince Seth wanted to do something significant with that information.

"Tell me, Prince Seth and I would tell you too"

Now, the smile on Seth's face left as he sensed that Ling was becoming too friendly somehow. "I am asking you to tell me about something, and you are busy giving me conditions"