Yianni's Joy [Bonus chapter]

The guard that King Yianni had sent ahead to prepare the cottage he had secretly gotten had arrived and made the place ready for the king. 

Yianni got there some minutes later and it was already midnight by the time he reached there. 

"You can come in, Your Majesty", the faithful guard said to the king as he held the door open for him to walk in. He had even set the fireplace going so that the king would walk into warmth. Predor was a cold kingdom and he knew that the king needed all the warmth he could get after riding in the middle of the night. 

King Yianni stepped in and immediately took a long deep breath in. He liked what he perceived and it brought a small smile to his lips. Yianni walked to the fireplace and saw that a lavender plant had been thrown into the fire. [The guard must have done it], Yianni thought. But, it was the person that had brought the nice plant that made Yianni's heart swell.