A Little Bit Of Shock

In The Red Kingdom, on the second night that Ruby had stayed there, the atmosphere in the Red Palace, particularly in Seth's room was -- for lack of a better word, tense between Ruby and the prince.

Prince Seth had recoiled onto a space that he had to get used to what had happened with him during the bloody fight that day. What made it worse and more obvious was the way Ruby was reacting and had reacted made him feel, for the first time, the reality of the devil that he was. What had be been thinking? Did he ever think that he was normal? why had he forced people -- force Ruby, to accept what he was. He had just assumed that they would take him normally as he was a normal human being, like everyone else. He was far from different -- he was at polar ends with Ruby's nature but he had never discussed -- he had never really asked her how she felt being with a demon, like himself.