I Still Have My Strength And Vigor

In The Red Kingdom, Ling and Prince Seth walked side by side inspecting the training and drills that the soldiers were undergoing.

Seth was in his battle armor which always brought murmurs between the men as he walked past them. He was beginning to get used to the whispers whenever he walked past. He pitied the foreign soldiers because they did not know that he could hear all that they said. However, their talks had only been little complaints and statements about his eye and if he was human. Some even talked about why he wore only a linen black trouser with an equally black baldric across his shoulders which two swords were sheathed. Still, Seth waited patiently for the doomed man that would utter a sentence that he would not be able to ignore. He would not hold back his rage.

"They are terrified of you," Ling said as he panted while his steps slowed down. He fell behind the prince and placed his hand on one knee for support and to catch his breath.